I have had the most extraordinary few days, filled with joy, celebration, convergence, serendipity and AWE!! Oh my goodness… the future is PURE POSSIBILITY!!!
A friend invited me to lunch on her porch in the heart of the Catskill Mountains, and the other attendees were different versions of myself - courageous, bold, powerful women who of a cetain age who have been thick in the battle these past few years. One a farmer and educator, one a daughter of Operation Paperclip who turned the tables. And the host - the most charming connector of people. We ate fresh-picked blueberries and swam in the pond and taught each other and found a magnificent balance of how we can all work together to create change.
At one point a guy came to install cable in the barn loft, and as he enjoyed lunch, added the perfect dimension to the conversation. He taught me that the vast majority of people in NY think like us, and there are conversations like this happening on porches ALL OVER!! I do believe he’s right. That gave me the greatest hope.
After swimming I sang to the water, and my new friends quieted their conversation and listened. They heard God in my voice, and the energy shifted from what might have been competition, to absolute communion.
It was a perfect, glorious last day of summer.
When I got home I started following a serendipitous thread and landed at the Keshe Foundation. Meland Keshe, with his 12KW Free Energy devices that were operational 15 years ago, was the one who originally lit the fire for me, regarding Free Energy. I lost track of him as I followed others, but in my opinion, he is the greatest of the living physicists who are involved in helping to change the world. Of course, he was not allowed to distribute his free energy devices under threat of annihilation.
Dr. Keshe as been extremely busy and is about to present all of his findings to the world on November 11 of this year, in London. If God wills it, I will be in attendance. This day will go down in history as the day we enter the Age of Aquarius; the Space Age; the Quantum Age.
He has over 500 “teachings” and I just listened to the one from yesterday which is over 3 hours long. His voice is feeble with age, but his mind is sharp and brilliant, and he has mastered control over what he calls The Second Dimension - materialism - what we know as the Third Dimension. And so, he has no fear of the lower-frequency authoritarians; instead they must fear him, although he absolutely follows the doctrine, DO NO HARM.
His description of the English city of Manchester as the City of White Slavery strips bare the misconceptions that slavery discriminates specifically against black and brown people. At the same time that slaves were brought from Africa to the New World, English people were born into the Industrial Revolution, where they worked 20 hours a day for nothing more than a roof over their head and a few morsels to eat. No beds, but a sling to lean over in order to sleep - which is why they called them Flop Houses. I can’t imagine the number of these enslaved children who were whisked away into Satanic rituals….
It seems to me that what Keshe is gifting to the world is a mirror of what Elon Musk is offering, but WITH consciousness, as opposed to AGAINST consciousness. One must be at a certain level of consciousness to have access to his technology and this is measured by the health of your body - pH level and glucose level. I’m not sure how that works with Diabetics and others who are compromised, but one of the things he’s developed is a form of MedBed, so perhaps most people will need to access the MedBeds to achieve a degree of health, before accessing the other technologies.
From my perspective, what he has developed is a way to merge with Quantum Consciousness / the Holy Spirit / Prana / Chi / Orgone / the Divine Matrix - whatever you want to call it. With his plasma tech, we no longer need to eat food, the false spacetime matrix dissolves, and we have the ability to become whomever / whatever we desire to become. You can get in a vehicle and go from NY to Beijing in a minute (quantum entanglement) and while you’re in the vehicle, your body is rejuvenated (GANS plasma).
Keshe is the Tesla of our time.
He has developed a global community to teach and share his work, and has created everything we need to dissolve the shackles of slavery FOREVER.
But - We The People must DEMAND IT!!!
We must educate ourselves, lift ourselves, commit ourselves and stand firm in our resolve. We choose INFINITE ABUNDANCE over Satan’s limitations! We must choose Unity over Division! We must choose LOVE over Hate! and we MUST SHARE INFORMATION!!!
We must align with GOD ALMIGHTY!!!
What is your greatest dream of who you want to be? With this new technology, you can literally be whoever or whatever you desire to be, because there is no separation from God AT ALL. It puts you directly in connection with the highest frequencies of Bliss. There is no aging, no disease, no limitation whatsoever. What you think, you become, instantly.
I find it interesting to note that although Nassim Haramein has also pubicly announced his venture into Zero Point Energy (a different form of free energy) but he hasn’t produced any products yet.
So - prepare yourself! For whatever else is going on in the world is inconsequential.
Remember - where your focus goes, energy flows - so if you concentrate on strife and discord, that’s what comes back. God is always listening to and responding to the energy you emit!!!
In Unity,
Telegram White Lion Conversation
Telegram Free Energy Now