Yesterday was the 50-year anniversary of Nixon removing us from the Gold Standard.
This, in the context that the Chinese financial system has been cutting interest rates and stockpiling gold, while the US has been raising interest rates and depleting all stores of everything. Not looking good for US!
If this was the totality of the scenario, it wouldn’t end well for Americans.
Fortunately, it is NOT. For those of us who removed ourselves from the addiction of Mainstream Media, a whole other reality has been emerging behind the scenes, one which has given the greatest hope. There are so many aspects to it and I’ll tell you right off, Kash Patel is one of the key players - an absolutely brilliant mind with the clearest depiction of goings-on in the realm of American Justice - highly recommended recent interview there.
Unfortuately, the treasonous corruption in the Department of Justice (DoJ) is just one aspect of the greater whole. I’m waiting impatiently for Merrick Garland and his treasonous, anti-life cronies to be impeached!!
The fiat economy was a financial coup d’etat. The Federal Reserve (neither federal nor a reserve) has had the ability to print infinite money, since the dollar is backed by nothing at all. Well, ostensibilty it’s backed by the military might of the the US. - which has been completely degraded these past 2.5 years.
What’s the point of taxes, if the Fed can print money infinitely? Very important question, and one worth pursuing.
Zimbabwe, one of the most raped and pillaged countries on Earth, is now pulling itself up by its (golden) bootstraps, issuing digital coins backed by gold. Iraq and Niger are executing former government officials who embezzled ridiculous amounts of money to the great detriment of the citizens. Venezuela, another country that suffered horribly due to insatiable greed, is moving to an asset-backed currency which will make it one of the wealthiest nations on Earth. In fact, there are now about 80 countries joining the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) alliance officially as of next week, and all of those economies will be asset-backed, one way or another.
Are we experiencing a move toward financial sovereignty?
There are so many tricks and traps at play, and so much force is aimed against We the People in this economic shift, that it’s impossible to know the outcome yet. The World Economic Forum (WEF) represents a faction that has been planning this global coup d’etat for centuries, but perhaps in the end it matters who the better strategist is, and one of the strongest pieces of Trump / Q imagery is of the mastery of 5D chess.
The WEF, via Agenda 21/30, wants us dead or enslaved through the Social Credit Score system that is based on the false narrative that humans create climate change. Their goal is to shame us into relinquishing all of our freedoms - and as we’ve found out through Covid, most people will give up their freedoms without question. Very sad indeed.
The WEF are proponents of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) which are centralized and programmable, meaning that We the People will no longer have control over our finances. As proven by China, only strict compliance and conformity allows people to have any semblance of quality of life - and if you dare to criticize the government at all, not only is your money confiscated - but you disappear.
In that disappearance, you learn the meaning of HELL.
Over the course of generations of brutal totalitarianism, Chinese people have completely lost the concept of freedom. All they know is oppression, from the earliest age. I’m very glad there are Chinese expats living all over the world who have stepped up to fight the insidious Totalitarian Tiptoe of that anti-human regime!
Where’s the Hope?
The Federal Reserve is the Central Bank (CB) of Central Banks. In league with the CIA, over the course of many decades they have crashed scores of governments, forcing those beholden governments into a CB debt economy. You might say - in league with CIA, Mossad, MI6 and whoever else you want to include in the Cabal / Deep State / Illuminati - for they are all one big cancer.
There are several possibilities for the future economy that will be made public next week in South Africa at the BRICS assembly. One is that we get the Chinese system, and that all vestiges of freedom is gone, just like that.
But, in fact Putin has been actively working against the WEF Globalists these past few years. Yes, he is a former WEF Young Leader - or at least, a previous version of him was. THIS version of Putin (body double? clone? actor? I have no idea) has banned the Globalist agenda in Russia, including the criminalization of poison GMO food, the dismantling of 5G towers, and in general his commitment to the value of traditional quality of life. He has given land to people who are committed to growing organic food. As a founding member of BRICS, He is one of the key figures in disrupting the Cabal banking system.
One of Trump’s Executive Orders is for an Internet or Digital Bill of Rights, which would give each one of us the rights to, and sovereignty of, our digital identities. The Cabal has done everything in their power to make sure that we DON’T have the rights to our physical or digital selves… and so we must fight like hell to uphold our rights.
It is not fair or smart to pin all of our hopes on Trump and his team. They obviously have way more information and technology than we do as individuals, and they’re using it to fight their part of the battle.
But we must engage too.
Each one us must become and remain educated, and do SOMETHING to make a difference. Whatever your interest is - elections, finance, education, health sovereignty - GET INVOLVED!
When it comes to CBDCs - we all must refuse to engage! Never scan your eyeball, or submit to a facial recognition identification, or acquiesce to a voiceprint, or any other form of digital ID. They are insidious in how they try to trap us into the Death System and so we must be vigilant! And Courageous!!!
Use cash!
Buy Local!
Support farmers!
Grow your own food!
Buy gold and silver and hold it at home!
Almost every country around the world has stopped using the Fiat Dollar which has been the most anti-human currency that ever existed. The American economy has been falsely propped up, and will crash at any moment.
My sources state that Trump’s government-in-exile has an alternative economy - in line with BRICS - ready to go, complete with a gold-backed US Note.
I hope and pray that it is an empowering, non CBDC currency.
Right now, Mike Lindell is hosting a fantastic Election Summit, showcasing how states have been compromised and also how states are re-gaining control. In Michigan, for example, the Democratic government has legalized their treasonous acts by putting them in the state constitution! But, despite the incredible illegality of Democrats across the board, Patriots are standing firm behind the original US Constitution - not the Corporate US constitution of 1871, which we have been fraudulently subject to.
RULE OF LAW is the order of the day. RULE OF LAW is how we get our Constitution back. RULE OF LAW is how we retain our freedoms.
On Monday, Trump will issue a statement on the extent of Election Fraud in the 2020 election. This could be a watershed moment, on the eve of the BRICS summit.
No matter what, we are in for some very chaotic times ahead and I urge you to be prepared in every way possible. Pray for the best possible outcome for everyone except the Globalists!!
Interesting movie: a highly romanticized tale indeed. The House of Rothschild
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In Unity,
Telegram Free Energy Now
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