In the Great War of Life on Planet Earth, there is an unseen division between Us vs. Them. What I have learned at great cost, is that They are fully aware of - and in control of - this separation. We - to our great detriment - are not so cognizant of the separation.
They use our ignorance as a method of control.
They are masters of psychological manipulation and intentionally create fake separations between Us - black vs. white, man vs. woman, young vs. old, rich vs. poor etc. as a means of keeping us distracted.
They have no soul, no compunction; They lie all the time and think nothing of it.
They accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of, as an offensive psychological attack.
They are Satanists - worshiping different aspects of the Devil.
They kidnap, torture, rape, kill and eat us, especially children.
They manipulate our reality via poisoned food, air, water, medicine and information, as Their prime directive is to eliminate us. To this end - They also manipulated the rise of the population 4X in the past 100 years because the culling of billions of people, as described on the Georgia Guidestones (a monument describing their Evil ambitions; literally carved in granite), is some grand ritual that gives Them unimanginable and unimpeachable dominion over ALL life.
Millions are born into Their culture. Millions become trapped into it - blackmailed, kidnapped, suckered one way or another. Once in - you can never leave. It’s literally Hotel California.
When we indulge in Their contrived distractions - racism, ageism, materialism and every other -ism, we are only hurting ourselves.
Money is Their ultimate control system, and its underlying value is the blood of children. My alternative lifestyle has given me a vantage point that’s impossible to reach from the materialistic world. Instead of building wealth, I’ve spent decades researching, thinking, writing, healing, and sifting through truth and lies, giving me the ability to recognize that the REAL problem in our society is not poverty or illness or chemicals or weather manipulation - those are merely symptoms.
The problem is THEM!
I’m not the only one who has come to this conclusion, not by a long shot. There are many documentarians who have told the story, and if you haven’t spent time watching some of these films, you are doing yourself and Humanity a grave disservice. It’s becoming inexcusable to be ignorant. Start with Fall of the Cabal (pick an episode, any episode). Move on to Loose Change. Read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, Creature from Jekyll Island and The Real Anthony Fauci.
There are so many documentaries that tell the story of Them, according to whichever perspective you prefer. Sound of Freedom is the latest. Rumble, Bitchute and Brighteon are non-censored platforms where these documentary films are easily found. Use any number of search terms: banksters, cabal, illuminati, deep state, freemason, satanist, secret society, 13 families, spirit cooking, knights templar, etc etc etc.
They are the Bidens. The Clintons. The Bushes. The Obamas. In fact They are every president since Kennedy with the exception of Trump. They are the bankers, the doctors, the pharmaceutical industry. They are CPS, McDonalds, Chanel, the Freemasons, the school administrators, publishers of the local newspaper. They are so-called upstanding citizens who coach baseball on the weekends, and rape, kill and drink the adrenalized blood of children during the week in cellars beneath churches, synagogues, temples and mosques. They are Bill Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Kissinger, Royalty. They are Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Fink (no person has been more aptly named in all of history!).
But who are WE?
This journey of learning who They are, brought me to God Almighty, the Divine Creator. You see, They cannot tolerate God, who is like water to the Wicked Witch of the West: When WE are in Divine union, They don’t have access to us. And IMHO, that’s who WE are - whatever religion or spirituality WE ascribe to. WE are seeking to know the One True God. WE reject Satan in all his guises, with all his tricks & traps.
For those who don’t yet know God, every choice We make either puts us in the path of Us or Them. God or Satan. Heaven or Hell. What media you consume, what food you eat, what clothes you wear, what words you say, what vices you indulge in - it all matters.
How we take control over our lives to move closer to God:
Trash your TV
End Addictions
Live in Gratitude
Be Generous and Forgiving
Eat Holistic Food
Play / Laugh / Sing
Pray / Meditate
Transcend your Trauma
End Toxic Relationships
Reduce / Eliminate Sugar
Drink Clean, Structured Water
Get Plenty of Sunlight
Walk Barefoot in the Grass
Wear Natural Fibers
Build Community
Choose Sovereignty over Convenience
The more people who know and love God Almighty, the less power Satan has in this world.
In Unity,
Telegram Free Energy Now
As always - take what resonates, leave the rest, and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!