Enter The Era of Consciousness
We are entering a new era in which we begin to comprehend, interact with and to a great extent control the unseen forces of our world.
You can’t see God/Love, but you might be one of billions of people who place God/Love at the forefront of their lives. You can’t touch air, but without it there’s no life. You can’t hear electricity, but it’s necessary for daily operations.
We go about our lives engaging our five senses as our only tools of interaction, as we’re taught. It’s only by stepping out of the construct of 3D reality by questioning authority that we begin to realize that there is a whole lot more to life than the Material world.
I have long believed that Madonna’s 1980s song Material Girl was an intentional trance, or spell by the Cabal to keep us locked into the Material Realm. It represented the onslaught of pop music as the deep spiritual soul of Motown, Jazz, Funk, and Blues dissappeared in the rear-view mirror. It was the advent of digital music devolving from the solid-state perfection of analog records & tapes, to digital bits which are harsh and incomplete. This genesis is important because it represents how varied & insidious the repressive attack on humanity has been.
Before the Internet, information on Quantum Physics & Consciousness (QPC) was difficult to find; you pretty much had to stumble upon it, or be born into it. Swami Vivekananda and Yogi Yogananda had toured the US and Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, teaching Vedanta (higher realms of consciousness) to huge audiences including quantum physicists. As a result of those tours, QPC dramatically influenced the development of quantum physics, and eventually became an integral part of the 60s social revolution. Unfortunately it got lost in the shuffle as drugs, sex & sexism, race & racism (symptoms of the material world) took the forefront in conjunction with the Great Recession of the 1970s.
Consciousness should have always been the prime topic of conversation around the world, as it’s the answer to all problems, and the source of all knowledge.
Western culture teaches us to want THINGS - bling, junk food, drugs, money, sex - but they are all aspects of the material world that are designed to hinder us from accessing Consciousness, knowledge and Divine Love. They keep us stuck at lower frequencies, dependent on our five senses; mired in the limited frequency bandwidth of the Third Dimension. This is by design!
The more we meditate, the more we are able to elevate our personal frequency to become more peaceful, more inspired, more joyful. At higher frequencies, we’re able to access the 4th Dimension, in which we have access to extra-sensory skills such as clairvoyance, telepathy, manifestation. In this I speak from experience, but it’s well documented.
These extra-sensory skills are called Siddhis in the Hindu culture and there are countless documented cases of people with these extraordinary skills; historically all over India, more recently all over the world. Wim Hof, The Ice Man, is an excellent example.
There are wars on many fronts at this point in time, but I can assure that the war against Consciousness is the most important war of all. The Cabal has been herding us into a society of godless transhumans - the ultimate controllable slave. Yet, the very idea of transhumanism is absurd when you have the least bit of comprehension of Consciousness!
Everything we need is within our grasp the minute we begin to decrease our materialistic entrainment and spend more time in meditation, walking in nature, praying, volunteering, eating better food etc. It’s a journey, and there are tremendous resources available. I highly recommend checking out a local Kundalini Yoga studio, where you’ll learn how to re-train your mind and body, and meet others who are on a similar path. The 40-day Sadhanas are absolutely life-changing.
The monks of old, through extraordinary effort, spent their lives in search of Englightenment. Through their sacrifice the process has become simplified, and is available to every one of us. Enlightenment is closer than it has ever been, for every one of us.
Consciousness is your inner connection with the Divine. It is the only path to higher dimensions.
Will it be Divine Empowerment? Or Godless Transhumanist Enslavement? The choice is yours, and the choice you make will ring for eternity.