This is the week of most dramatic change, perhaps the most extreme in history.
An evil, parasitic collective has worked very hard to colonize this world, and succeeded to a great extent.
With millions of years advanced technology, they were able to quarantine Earth from the rest of the Galaxy and the Universe, and keep us at a very low frequency of traumatic enslavement. One aspect of this quarantine was shutting down the human pineal gland in order to sever our Divine Connection.
The pineal gland is comprised of biomagnetic crystals that become calcified by the use of fluoride. A healthy pineal gland is essential for spiritual growth and for the expression of our innate psychic abilities. Decalcify your pineal gland by cutting out all forms of fluoride - toothpaste, dentist and whatever else. Spend a LOT of time in nature and silence. Meditate on a clear Divine signal. Hydroxychloroquine helps, as does heavy metal detox.
This Evil Empire is coming to an end, but this final series of battles is extraordinarily destructive, as we are seeing in the Mid East and in the wake of Hurricane Helene. Collateral damage is unavoidable. As with the Covid plandemic, many people are dying in this surge toward the final eradication of Evil.
God, thank you for your many blessings!
Please shine your grace on all who are suffering
and lead them to safety and complete healing.
I believe that death is a transition of the energy of our spirits from one state to another - material to spiritual. To those who are the collateral damage of this final war, I ask God to bless you and guide you to where you need to go.
To those of us who are left behind to witness the carnage, we have the choice to either get pulled into the dark emotions of it, or stay in FAITH that God is in control, and it will end well for all.
The choice is simple: FAITH or FEAR.
By focusing on our Divine Connection, fear cannot exist in our heart. Faith & Fear cannot coexist! We must cast aside our egos and allow God’s Will to be Done on Earth as it IS in HEAVEN.
This time is absolutely Biblical. JFK’s plan to eradicate the Cabal was literally an extension of Jesus’ plan to eradicate the Cabal! All we need now, is the courage to ALLOW it to happen!!
Try not to become emotionally attached to events or outcomes. This is a multi-dimensional war, far beyond our capacity to comprehend.
If you need to, disconnect from the Internet AND ABSOLUTELY YOUR TV to keep your sanity and focus. Spend time in Nature. Pray and meditate. Fast. Help your neighbors. Do good work. Create. BE THE CHANGE.
The result, after the final destruction, will be greater that we can possibly imagine - not just medbeds and replicators, but space travel, inter dimensional travel and so much more! We will be given the keys to the Universe that have been kept from us by the Evil Ones.
Thanks for stopping by!!!
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