Right now, with the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank, we are witnessing the implosion of the Cabal infrastructure - the Beginning of the End of the Totalitarian Tiptoe.
I have never felt more FREE than I do at this moment in time! I have been waiting for the disclosure of Free Energy on a grand scale, and it is now happening in full force. I keep a Free energy newsfeed on Telegram, updating with all the new disclosures, and it is SO FANTSTIC! Today - we learned that Superconducters can now be operated at room temperature! Previously, they needed to be kept in super-cold environments. As unbelievable as this is, it’s just one point in a long list of Free Energy/ Zero Point disclosures that are happening at this moment.
Free Energy = Freedom! Hallelujah!
The entire Globalist / Cabal / Khazarian narrative is built on the lie of Global Warming. Greta Thunberg is from a Khazarian family (royal family of Sweden), and is the perfect example of the concept of grooming. Truth is, Earth’s temperature hasn’t risen in fifteen years. Yes, there are more extreme storms, but that is because the Cabal commandeered Tesla’s technology, and every storm is heavily manipulted by HAARP. They’re able to create storms, determine the intensity, and steer them exactly where they want - just as they’re able to create earthquakes, and therefore tsunamis. Weather has absolutely become a weapon of mass destruction.
I think people are beginning to wake up to the level of Evil on this planet; we’ve been in denial for hundreds of years, but it turns out that the Scamdemic worked to educate enough people so that we’ve been able change the energy/frequency of humanity. We’ve reached the tipping point; the hundredth monkey has been activated.
The disclosure of Free Energy destroys the lie of Climate Change, and by extension the need for Carbon tax, batteries, 15 minute cities, eating bugs and all the rest of the hogwash that has been pushed on humanity by an incredibly evil elite cabal. When I see people continuing to wear masks, it is a reminder that humanity has been mind-controlled to an extreme extent, and the work that needs to be done to reverse that mind control, will be just as extreme once the smoke has cleared.
UPDATE 4/24/24
Professor Of Physics & Mathematics at Northumbria University, Valentina Zharkova is a solar physicist who knows a lot about the sun.
For years we’ve been told that Earth is warming and it’s an absolute catastrophe thanks to carbon emissions and human activity in general. Oceans are rising and polar bears are dying and Antarctica is melting and it’s your fault.
Except that it’s all nonsense - Humans don’t affect Earth’s temperature. The sun does.
What can we expect moving forward?
The global economic system is in absolute freefall. It will be complete destruction for people who are only invested in dollars. We are moving to an asset-backed economy - gold, silver and oil (but oil will become irrelevant in the very near future, except as a lubricant!) as of March 20th, when we enter the new international payment system based in ISO20022. Before now, I despised Web 3.0 as a portal to transhumanism, but I’m beginning to think that it’s possible that humanity has gained control over AI… There WILL be AI in our future, but if we remain in control of it, then the universe is our oyster. This is the Best Possible Future!
FACT: Over 30% of us did not buy into the lies, and remain unjabbed - although it is our responsibility to continually detox from all the shedding. It’s essentially a lifestyle change, when you think about it.
Is Trump a Khazarian asset? I’ve been saying all along - it’s not about Trump. Even Trump has said on numerous occasions, it’s not about Trump. He’s just the talking head, the front man, the moving target. Maybe he is, maybe he’s a double or triple agent, we have no way of knowing.
But I do believe, as of today, that the team behind him is delivering Freedom to the world, and I do believe that today is the cross-over point toward that beautiful future, and I do believe we all need to be in a heightened state of gratitude, grace, humility, action and Divine Connection.
Make sure you have cash. If you haven’t bought silver, DO IT NOW - it will revalue first, and be crucial for the intermediate period. If you believe in the Global Currency Reset, purchase hyper-inflated currencies (Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Venezuelan Soberanos).
The Storm is Upon Us!
And the future it brings, will be incredible to behold!!!
Breathe, Ground, Stay in Gratitude - and you will get through it just fine.
In Unity,
Telegram White Lion Chat
Telegram Free Energy Now
As always - take what resonates, leave the rest, and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!