If you take a few steps back and look at the greater picture, you can see that the possibilities of our future are being dramatically limited at this time with the weather warfare, DEW fires, the lingering results of the death jabs and so much more. Chaos is reigning supreme, as the split between those who cling so desperately to Old Earth, and those who align with New Earth, becomes insurmountable.
My birth family is a living testament to this fact. I am the ONLY one of 8 who remains unjabbed and capable of critical thinking, all others are continually descending into the Firey Pits of Hell with hate, judgment, disease, the inability to apologize or forgive, and lack of generosity of spirit. Despite these differences, I am ever-more learning to be in a state of continual forgiveness and grace toward them.
I believe this split was inevitable, perhaps pre-determined.
I also believe that the ability to hold a high personal frequency is EVERYTHING from this point onward.
What I’m witnessing is that MONEY and the financial system remain the primary focus, especially after China’s stock exchange crashed yesterday. I would like to remind you: You can’t eat or drink money!!!
I have come to recognize and admit:
Money is the Ultimate Weapon of Mass Distraction/Destruction.
I’ve focused quite extensively on the financial system in the past, believing that the evolving digital financial system was the Divine Alternative to the Satanic Central Banking system enslavement plot, however recent developments have revealed this falsehood.
(The ability to correct one’s self with new information is a most valuable quality and requires death of the ego. To admit one is wrong, allow for new information and evolve one’s thinking - these are most vital aspects of Ascension.)
I also believe that becoming a tool of God’s Grace is all-important.
The fundamental concept of Zero Point Energy is that every atom, every cell, every being has a center point that is connected to all other center points in the Universe. This center point is where Source is found.
We must become our own Savior!
As long as we’re focusing our attention externally and waiting for someone to save us, Ascension is an impossibility.
So, the answer now becomes to focus on and activate our own center point - literally, the Third Chakra, the Solar Plexus, which is connected to the Sun and representative of the Third Dimension. Focus, expand & transcend.
This is the fundamental meaning of THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS WITHIN.
Almost a century ago, Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, predicted through his profound channeling that the United States would experience enormous destruction due to earthquakes, reshaping the landscape in almost unimaginable ways. Many others have predicted similar cataclysms and there are scores of flood maps available.
That 5D warfare is in full effect, and is designed to eliminate humanity, can no longer be denied. This next-gen warfare includes not only weaponized hurricanes, but the ability to induce earthquakes, control the human brain/neural system via 5G towers and a whole lot more that is unknown to us little people.
I submit to you that the whole point of this chaos is to realize that we should NOT descend into a state of fear, but instead cement ourselves in a state of perfect Divine Grace, become wholly courageous, and know in every fibre of your being that our soul is ETERNAL!
What we call death is a transferrence of energy from one state to another. The first law of Thermodynamics: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
I recently watched a biopic of Washintgon’s military career, made in the 1980s. It was very well made, and I learned some very important lessons from it - whatever the facts of the Revolutionary War may or may not be.
The most important lesson from this biopic is that Washington never, ever wavered from his goal of winning the war despite incredible forces of opposition including a mentally ill mother, an emerging government that worked against him, crippling cold winters, the desertion of his army on many occasions, seemingly insurmountable odds against the might of the British Army, no money or supplies, traitors and infiltrators, fighting against his own family etc. etc. etc.
He knew that there were only two possible outcomes - FREEDOM or DEATH.
The same choice is in front of us now.
Washington’s focus was RESOLUTE.
While president, Washington prayed four hours a day for guidance. I imagine the same was true in his military career, and that strong connection with God Almighty is the lesson we should incorporate into our own lives.
All Answers are to be found in Prayer/Meditation.
Remember all the GOOD that is happening!!!!
Chinese premiere Xi Xingping announced that George Soros is an enemy of humanity
Zero Point Energy has been publicly announced
Humanity is flocking to God Almighty like never before
Americans are re-activating their heritage of self-responsibility
The largest human trafficking operation in the world has been destroyed
Prepare yourself for disaster, put your faith in God Almighty and help wherever you can. These are the the commandments of TODAY.
Thanks for stopping by!!!
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In Unity,
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