There is no question that Iraq must revalue it’s currency, and that this event must happen in the very near future - Everything is done. All the mandatory changes have been completed, and Al Sudani is scheduled to speak at the UN next Wednesday; this may well be the official announcement to the world.
Before then, Biden must be removed from office one way or another.
Meanwhile, there are other things happening in our world that deserve our attention - notably the attempted power grab by the WHO, the Apple agenda to extinguish life on Earth, Larry Fink talking about forcing Globalist behaviors etc etc etc. I’m not going to concentrate on the anti-human agenda today.
Instead, I was tasked this morning with exploring the way in which we are able to circumvent and defeat the anti-human agenda, and that is by Game Theory. It can also be called improvisation, guerilla warfare, or any number of other terms, but the point is that the only way to win against 5th Generation Warfare is with creative thinking & action, and gaming the system - turning it back on itself.
I am absolutely convinced that there is a faction of White Hats working behind the scenes, including Ezra Cohen Watnick, General Flynn & Kash Patel. Mike Lindell is very much in the forefront, as well as Kari Lake, Marco Polo and many others, and these overt players help give us hope and sustenance.
But what about you and me? Us little folk? How do we make a difference and help sway the balance of power away from the anti-human reptilians?
Well, the first thing is to stop obeying false authority. There is only ONE authority, and that’s God Almighty.
Second, remove yourself from the system that desires to destroy you. This is easier said than done, but is mandatory.
throw out your TV
learn how to discern
stop eating Matrix food - anything processed, GMO, sugar-based. The more local organic - the better. Eat LESS food.
filter your water
get off prescription drugs in all possible cases
spend significant time in silence / prayer / mediation every day
adopt an Attitude of Gratitude
prioritize getting your kids of of the public school system - there are fantastic homeschool resources at this point
join your local conservative community
get involved in local politics
spend less time with Woke people
engage your unique talents/skills
Third, make a commitment to NOT comply with any mandates - which are not laws. Make a commitment to stand with the oppposition.
Fourth, if you exist inside the system - then you ARE the change! Begin having conversations with people, dropping hints, leaving notes that help people wake up. You’ll be surpised at how many people, like you, continue on in a system without sharing its values. Be a friend to those who are seeking help. Educate yourself on how the globalist sytem is designed to eradicate humanity, and then push HARD against the system as they try to roll it out. The most powerful change comes from within!
Transgenderism - designed to lower birth rate and cause division
Vaccines - designed to kill and make infertile
Pharmaceutical industry - designed to prescribe, not heal
CPS - designed to rip families apart and sell kids into sex slavery etc.
Reuters / AP - designed for censorship and misinfo
Big Tech / Social Media - designed to compile all your personal info & censor
Education - designed for social engineering
Their agenda to exterminate humanity and all life on earth cannot succeed if we do not comply.
The Evil Ones have mastered psychological manipulation - that was what Freud and Bernays were all about. Once you recognize this evil reality, your perception shifts. You begin to see everything from a different perspective. The show Alias did a fantastic job educating us about the false reality. Clones, doubles, masks, cyborgs and CGI have been employed for many years - decades - to deceive us. The entire Hollywood conglomerate had one purpose - to deceive and manipulate us.
It’s our job and our duty to step outside that manipulation; it’s the only way Earth has a chance. We cannot and should not give our power to either the White Hats OR the Black Hats… we must each take our power and our future into our own hands. We must be creative about carving out a new existence outside of the mainstream.
Embrace your creativity!
Embrace improvisation!
Embrace troubleshooting!
These are the skills of Game Theory. Explore different ways of accomplishing a task - step out of the ordinary, the common, the familiar. Take a different route. Get lost on purpose, and see what happens. Say hello to strangers. Practice random acts of kindness. Try a new food.
There’s one very important rule to remember: the forces of evil cannot interface with the high frequencies of Joy and Bliss, so try to make EVERYTHING you do, blissful. If you feel yourself slumping into negative frequencies, do something to snap out of it! That feeling is literally the demons trying to take possession of you! Don’t allow it!
Call on God to help you. He is always there.
This is a war for our souls, and our very existence. We don’t have the option to sit on the sidelines. Engage your unique skills and talents to help swing the balance of power toward GOD!!!!!
That is how we win.
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In Unity,
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