I recently made a decision that many people might regard as cruel & heartless.

In this intervening time my heart has been absolutely shredded with the pain of it…. and yet, there really wasn’t a choice at all. I didn’t leave anyone or anything in distress, I was not wanted, and as it turns out it created the perfect opportunity for someone else. There comes a time when a person can no longer stay in an abusive situation.
So - all’s well that ends well. Truly.
I’m extremely grateful to a dear friend for whisking me away to Opus 40 where the concert was rained out, but the environment was full of wonder!!!
Many Normies refuse to wake up from the false reality that was exacerbated by the Covid scamdemic, and at this point in time are hopelessly lost. This is an indication of the Great Rift of humanity that separates those of higher frequency from those of lower frequency.
I know my life is bizarre to normal people. I know my decision to stay out of the Satanic bloodlust economy is incomprehensible to those who are bought in to it. I know my valuing of knowledge over wealth is frightening to people who think wealth is the only goal. But I’m doing just fine, and what other people think doesn’t matter to me AT ALL.
IMHO with the mountains of information available to anyone who cares to do their own research, ignorance is inexcusable and reprehensible at this point in time.
“Biden is the legitimate president of the bankrupt US Corporation of 1871” - Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes (Trump transition team 2018) on Great Britain News 7/2023
Deputy managing director of the IMF Bo Li admits that countries are required to enforce climate policies as a condition of borrowing money from the IMF.
Government, Big Pharma, and MSM were complicit in violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code with vaccine campaign.
Marjorie Taylor Greene grills CDC Director Walensky on the horrific numbers found in CDC’s VAERS reporting system (<10% reporting) (March 2023) “The equivalent of a Vietnam War” for Millenials
Pfizer executive Janine Small admits under oath to EU Parliament that their mRNA Covid vaccines were never tested for stopping transmission of the virus before being rolled out to the public
Founder and past president of Greenpeace states publicly that humans are an insignificant contributor to Climate Change
The negative aspects of Electric Vehicles: violent explosions, ridiculously expensive batteries which must be disposed of/shipped to countries with lesser environmental standards, 90% powered by fossil fuels, use child slave labor in Africa to mine Rare Earth, have harmful EMF fields, don’t work well in cold or heat, etc.
Nanotechnology (Hydrogel) from the Covid jabs now found in both vaxxed and unvaxxed.
So, this all being just the tippy tip of the iceberg of Truth, how long are we supposed to wait for Normies to wake up?
How much abuse is enough abuse???
Well, thank GOD there are hopeful things happening. This latest Trump indictment gives him the power of Subpoena, so all the Evil, Freedom-hating, Child-raping officials will be put under oath and their testimonies will go in Congressional Record. Actual fact checkers (not the Globalist propagandists of AP/Reuters) will be ready to strike them down the second they lie.
For good or evil, BRICS asset-backed currency debuts the weekend of August 22nd.
Trump stated last night in his address to the SC GOP that he would protect the integrity of the Dollar (I’m praying for a return to gold-backed cash - NOT digital blockchain surveillance/enslavement system!)
A Canadian court has ruled that Covid lockdowns were illegally implemented
Free energy disclosure is flooding the internet
The Sound of Freedom movie - soft disclosure on the child sex trade - is breaking records around the world
etc etc etc
It is absolutely a time when we must make extremely difficult choices and it’s a time when we must put GOD ALMIGHTY first. It’s a time when we must be extremely careful about taking care of our selves - health, sanity, sanctity.
FACT: I will forever pray for my family - for their health, their wellbeing, their Awakening. From Afar.
If you care to read a report directly from the CIA website which exposes the entire Agenda to genocide and enslave humanity - here it is!
In Unity,
Telegram Free Energy Now
As always - take what resonates, leave the rest, and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH
NOTE: If you value my research and have cash flow, I would sincerely appreciate your becoming a paid subscriber! Thank you and God Bless!!!