My lesson for the past week has been to disengage from the chaos.
Once Tucker Carlson was taken out of Fox Prime Time, it’s as if a wall of chaos was unleashed. I’m a huge believe that NOONE achieves that level of success without being a part of The Club (as per George Carlin). And, there are snippets that hint that Tucker, at least at some point, was a part of the Pizza Club - he was seen at Comet Pizza, and photographed with known pedophiles. It has been a week of massive disclosure, and it’s extremely unsettling.
I’ve been aware of the Satanic despicableness for decades, and now that it’s coming to the mainstream, I can’t seem to deal with it anymore. The world must wake up to the entrenched pedophilia, ritual child sacrifice, forced cannibalism, not to mention the tyranny of CBDCs, 15 minute cities, totalitarian healthcare etc etc etc. all of which I’ve been trying to prevent…. and I came to the realization that I can’t tolerate the heighened angst settling in my soul, at least not right now.
So, instead, I focused on spiritual teachings this week.
I always consider what I should respond, when someone asks me if I’m a Christian. Yes, in fact I am a confirmed Episcopalian, and I am a devotee of Christ, and I see why Christians believe that Christ is the Redeemer. However, I truly appreciate the wisdom of the Hindu teachings, which is the oldest spiritual knowledge, from which all other religions spring. So, is there a name for that? Christian Plus?
There are many who say that Hinduism is the last vestige of the Atlantean, or Lemurian civilizations, it’s fascinating to learn how the knowledge arrived in India, and how it was passed down from master to student for thousands of years before writing was invented.
That being said, there’s been alternate versions of the Lord’s Prayer going around lately, said to be translated from the original Aramaic, and the vast discrepancies just in that one prayer illustrate the great extent to which the modern Bible has strayed from the original. In fact, there are supposed to be 777 original books in the Old Testament, censored by Constantine and Popes and Kings along the way. Francis Bacon was tasked with Masonifying the Bible, so the King James version - the first version in English - should be considered pure propaganda. He literally turned the English language into a weapon for the purpose of twisting our minds to think as slaves.
For people who say that the Bible is God’s word…. well, it was, once upon a time! Even so, are they the words of God Almighty? or a god with a little g? I personally think that God Almighty would never call for blood sacrifice; to me, that screams of Satan.
In any case, I’m not trying to judge. People should believe whatever they want to believe, that particular freedom should be written in stone, IMHO. To me, Christ Consciousness is the perfection I seek, as I believe he was trying to teach us that we are each a facet of God Almighty, and that we each have the ability to perform miracles as he did (also known as Rishis in Hindu.)
The more we turn our own personal life toward emulating Christ, the more God-like we become. More generous, empathetic, loving, joyful. Less jealous, greedy, gluttonous, lustful, lazy. More virtuous, less sinful.
And, as each person focuses their energy on the higher levels of consciousness - the higher frequencies of being - that is how we create a new and better reality, for our own person as well as for the collective.
Trauma is when we respond to the past, instead of the present.
- Gabor Mate
Literally, by removing ourselves from lower frequency living, we ascend to a higher state of being. It sounds simple and obvious, but it’s actually difficult to do, and requires extraordinary effort and dedication to step out of layers upon layers of conditioning, habit, addiction, and ingrained beliefs.
Along with the spiritual teachings of the week, I stumbled upon an opportunity to study with a young quantum physicist who guides people to create anti-gravity devices for a wide range of uses - electricity generation, healing, propulsion etc. I decided that I really want to work with him, and so engaged my connection with God to request the funding to begin this venture. I am humbled and grateful that due to the generosity of two of my readers, I am now able to start on that journey!
So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting my work! It is a profound feeling for me, to have people financially support my creative energy which springs from the purity of desiring a better world. I am not motivated by money, obviously!
One day soon, due to things like anti-gravity technology, money will become a relic and we will all just do what we love to do in order to make the world a better place!
Following is the teaching that helped elevate my spirit this week. I hope that if you can find the time to listen, it will elevate yours as well. It explores the similarities between Christ’s teachings, and Hindu teachings, in regards to Ascension.
In Unity,
Telegram White Lion Conversation
Telegram Free Energy Now
As always - take what resonates, leave the rest, and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!