I was raised by an iron-willed mother, who does not tolerate the questioning of authority. It has taken my entire life to fully accept that because of my unique blessings, interfacing with her (or anyone’s) inflexible worldview is self-defeating not only for myself, but also for the evolution of humanity.
There are grave consequences in relinquishing the God-given right of Free Will!
The Lonely Path
What makes me so different from my mother?
I was blessed to have inter-dimensional communication with my father when I was in my early 20s, and this experience taught me that there is much more to reality than fame, fortune and the American Dream - which is what my mother desired for me. Dad contacted me through my dreams to ask me to “put him to rest.” After the 3rd dream, I started asking my family, “Where is Dad buried?” It turns out his ashes were still at the funeral home, 10 years after his death. So, I went and got them and gave them to my my youngest brother, who then held on to them for another 20 years. We finally buried him about 5 years ago. I never had the dream again, after putting the ashes in my brother’s keeping.
The way this came about is an interesting story. I was working long hours at Goldman Sachs, and one morning when I was brushing my teeth, my back went out. I had never experienced this level of pain, it was excruciating. My oldest brother recommended an osteopath from our hometown who graciously made time for me, and gave me just one session, after which she said - “You need to take it easy these next few days. Stay home, rest, drink lots of water. Your body will be releasing a tremendous amount of emotional energy.” I could tell that I was in the hands of someone who had an extraordinary level of wisdom.
Work wouldn’t wait, though, so I went back right away. Just as she had warned, I began to experience wave upon wave of emotions being released, and I started crying uncontrollably. I was sent home and went into a deep sleep, which is when my father first appeared in my dream.
This was perhaps the first time in my life when it dawned on me that there are no mistakes, and that everything happens for a reason.
Something happened in the context of this experience that opened a portal for me, to be able to receive communication from the Other Side.
A few years later, a close friend of the family was murdered. In the aftermath, I took out her sewing basket to mend a shirt for her daughter. As I opened the top of the sewing basket, I had the sensation of hundreds of little white butterflies flying out, as if escaping. The sensation was pure joy! I knew it was a message, and I found out through dream analysis, that the white butterflies symbolize ascension - and that she was at peace.
I later learned that violent death is a method of releasing karmic debt, and that we choose our method of death, just as we choose our families, before entering this life.
Another similar experience was my neighbor, who died of brain cancer. She contacted me through a dream to let me know that she was exactly where she needed to be, and she was having an absolute blast, and to be happy for her. I wish I could have relayed that message to her family, who continues to mourn her many years later, but they would have thought me insane.
My most recent inter-dimensional experience was after my step-father died. He came to me (I light a candle every night) and he was confused, didn’t know if he was alive or dead. I told him he could stay with me as long as he needed. Over the course of the next 2 days, his spirit deteriorated very quickly, and it was obvious that he really didn’t know what to do, so I told him - “Your mother is waiting for you; Follow Love.” And within a few hours I felt him disappear into a well of pure light.
It became undeniable through these and other experiences that I am Other - not here on this beautiful Earth to conform.
In fact - the more I tried, the more I failed.
Fortunately there are now legions of Others - the Awakened - so I’m no longer alone in questioning reality, which has been a full time pursuit for decades. In this pursuit, I have uncovered the extent to which Evil has commanded our reality, and I also discovered many thrilling possibilities for the future. There now exist channels, movies, communities, books and even universities that explore alternative knowledge. Netflix & YouTube host some of this content, but a much wider variety can be found on all the new forums which have sprung up in the age of censorship, for those who care to learn. Bitchute, Rumble, Brighteon are excellent video channels.
I highly recommend Janet Ossebaard’s series, Fall of the Cabal for anyone just getting started on the journey of escaping the Matrix.
Visionary Nuggets
Tapping in to alternative “news” has its benefits, perhaps the most important of which is having access to information that is intentionally omitted from Mainstream News (MSN - a supreme form of mind control).
The most recent and perhaps most important example of these omissions is how the global banking system is being replaced by a centralized blockchain ledger. In the Globalist version of this shift, anonymity is removed, allowing for totalitarian control. In some countries, they’re putting a time limit on digital income so that people cannot build wealth. Likewise, they can turn off your account when you don’t conform to their draconian rules. And now, in this bizarre dystopian reality built on conformity, you will live and work within a 15 mile radius of where you live!
Many people will CHOOSE this reality, simply because they have never had the courage to QUESTION reality!
Fortunately, there is a different reality emerging for the Awakened - people who question authority, think critically, and make choices in their own best interest - excercising Free Will. There’s a different economic system rolling out to get us started on this journey. If we’re paying attention, we have already witnessed the Soft Disclosure of quantum technology, including many different forms of free energy, replicators for food & goods, MedBeds, anti-gravity vehicles which are tuned to our DNA and controlled by our thoughts, time travel, space travel through wormholes, and so much more. Quantum technology will eventually make money obsolete.
Listen to an excellent round table with Gene Decode talking about our amazing future!
This is the future I have been imagining into existence with every fiber of my being. This is the Divine future, where Evil can not exist.
Discernment - the Quantum Skill
True discernment requires healing from trauma, attuning to the Divine, and being true to one’s self. At some point in your journey, you begin to realize that anything enacted through fear and other lower frequency emotions is the work of Satan, and to disregard it. Conversely, all that is born of Love, is Divine.
Once you reach this point in your journey, life become simpler and more joyous - the struggle disappears, and serendipity becomes the norm. It requires disengaging from, and disavowing, All That Does Not Serve our individual higher purposes, and the highest purpose of Earth.
The Heart Math Institute played a pivotal role in unearthing the mechanics of Discernment.
My favorite quote of all time:
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
- Paul Atrides, Dune (Frank Herbert)