My awakening started in college in the mid-80s, when an ex-CIA operative who had worked with Bush Sr. in the covert CIA in the 60s, gave a lecture - and a warning. He painted a vivid picture of what became known as Agenda 21, and over the course of the next several decades I watched in horror as his predictions came true, one by one - the S&L fiasco, the stock market plunges of the 90s, 9/11, Homeland Security, and finally - vaccines.
This information shook me to my core. When I improbably landed on Wall St a few years after that lecture, I can assure you my eyes were wide open.
Over the course of about 7 years, I worked in every department of Goldman Sachs and witnessed in real time as they helped the CIA to take down Central American economies via mergers and acquisitions. At one point, one of these mergers was going to put my step-father out of a job, and I asked to be excused from that deal - and was told, “There’s the door. You make your choice.” At that moment, I realized that what they were doing to Central America, they would eventually do to the United States, and I didn’t want to be a part of it. I chose the door.
In my time at Goldman I met some fantastic people and gained the most important education of my life. What was emerging in my mind at that time, was the fact that we can only preserve freedom, by embodying it.
Fast forward a few decades, to the Covid scamdemic. When Covid was first announced, I recognized it as the final nail in the coffin of Freedom, as described in that college lecture. I had already been studying vaccine horror, as my son has vaccine-induced Type 1 Diabetes, and was fully aware of vaccines as a weapon of mass destruction. The VAERS statistics BEFORE Covid were already horrifying! There was absolutely no way I was going to comply with this next-gen, genocidal fascism.
Highwire with Del Bigtree - Recent Proof of vaccine-induced myocarditis death with Dr. Peter McCullough and Geerte Vanden Bossche.
I was able to protect my son from this vaccine, Thank God, but my family all took the bait - hook, line & sinker. Not only have I been ostracized and vilified by my family, but the 5 siblings that I know about all came down with various forms of cancer. It’s heart wrenching beyond description.
The first thing I did when they announced the Covid lock-downs, was to go out and volunteer at a raw-food establishment run by friends. We were compelled to wear facemasks, but we helped a lot of people to begin to realize what a psy-op was being perpetrated - in essence, growing community. It was very helpful to my emotional health to be around people who very much understood the severity of the situation.

This time around, the totalitarian push will be much much stronger, and if my family is any indication of the general public (I think they are), then the compliance will be even more intense. However, there is no doubt at all that their numbers will be less, and our numbers will be greater.
This time around, I will be putting myself on the front lines; cannon fodder for freedom. My son will be joining the opposition at college. Trump has said many things that give me hope, however if you judge by action alone, the White Hats aren’t in control of anything at all.
It’s important to be aware of the fact that the BRICS consortium was created by Goldman Sachs, and XRP is an enslavement system.
The future is not up to Trump or any invisible army. It’s up to you, and it’s up to me. Unless you and I take action NOW, the Brave New World will kill the vast majority of us, and relegate the remaining children to sexual slavery. The time is now, and the future is in our hands.
Let go of all who remain entrenched in the Globalist lies. Let go of all that no longer serves the best interest of you, or of the future.
No more vaccines
No more lockdowns
No more restrictions
And always remember: Mandates ARE NOT LAWS!
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In Unity,
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