Quantum Physics aka GOD ALMIGHTY has become the glue that holds my life together.
My analytical mind craves the physics part, my emotional mind craves GOD.
I have personally witnessed and taken part in the emerging split between humans of lower frequency and higher frequency, so I know it’s a fact. I literally cannot tolerate being around people who have chosen the old, lower-frequency paradigm. This doesn’t mean I don’t love them, for I do! But I cannot interface with them for, due to their life choices they are unable to experience what I experience, and try desperately to drag me back into the old paradigm of control and limitation believing that’s all there is.
I have been given access to a greater portion of the Electro-magnetic spectrum that most people!!!
I am here for far more important reasons that placating people who demand to live in the Third Dimension.
Last night, my ancestors visited me.
My father gave me the hug I’ve been pining for since he left our family when I was 3. My powerful grandmother stood behind me in support, with my powerful grandfather. My other grandparents, who weren’t a part of my life, were also there. It was not unlike the Harry Potter scene before he goes into the forest!
I have been fortunate to have had inter-dimensional communication since my 20s, when my dead father repeatedly contacted me in my dreams, asking to be put to rest. I found his ashes, retrieved them, and gave them to my brother. Years later, we put him to rest in a military funeral. I still think that’s an absolutely amazing story.
I’ve been contacted by several friends who passed, to let me know how amazing they were in the next dimension. My step-father stayed with me for 3 days after he passed. He had been on drugs in the final weeks of his life, and so his spirit was very confused; he literally didn’t know if he was alive or dead. In those 3 days, his spirit degraded horribly, and so finally I told him (all telepathically) - “Your mother is waiting for you, follow the LOVE.” Within an hour, he disappeared through a portal of light.
I have no doubt of the existence of other dimensions, and I have no doubt of the eternal nature of our spirits. I have no doubt that we create Heaven or Hell on Earth with the frequency of our being. And to this end, I have no doubt that the work we do on our SELVES is by far the most important work in this lifetime.
Elevating our personal frequency not only helps us to create Heaven on Earth, but it is necessary for the Ascension Process.
Everything happening on Earth right now is designed to help us make those very important choices.
Last night, my ancestors helped me to make the choice to embrace becoming a beacon of God’s Infinite Love and Grace. Sunday’s sermon by Bob Joyce (formerly Elvis Presley) also pounded home the lesson - God is WITHIN you!

Indeed, God is within each one of us. Whether or not we choose to recognize that fact, is completely up to us - with every choice we make, every action we take, every claim we stake. Everything we do either leads us to Hell on Earth and eternity, or Heaven on Earth and eternity. It’s not just about this lifetime!
With our choices, we are creating the eternal future for our souls!
Many people have chosen Hell. I guess, in another 26,000 years they might figure out that’s the wrong path, but there’s not a whole lot I can do to help them now. My job at this point is helping people who are awakening, and trying to figure out what’s happening, and how to navigate the treacherous waters.
My advice to everyone:
Get off Mainstream Media
Stop eating CRAP
Start practicing Gratitude
Pray to God Almighty every day
Work to recognize the difference between Good and Evil
Become worthy of Redemption
Each one of us has a spark of the Divine within us, even if the Culture of Trauma on this Earth has masked it all our lives. FIND THAT SPARK! Own it! Become it!
And if you need help, CONTACT ME! I will help you!!!
Life is more amazing that we can possibly imagine, once we have elevated ourselves out of Trauma Culture!!!
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In Unity,
Telegram Free Energy Now
As always - take what resonates, leave the rest, and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!