I find it’s a most excellent time to turn my mind to creativity, since there is so much destruction everywhere else. I want to be the source of creative energy, not destructive energy. Beauty in the chaos. The courageous torch bearer.
We can NEVER give up on Love, for Love is ALWAYS the Answer!
Those who have erred in their ways, sought redemption, and have become purified - become the teachers, the mentors, the leaders, the support - helping the next generation to come one step closer to the frequency of the Creator.
The very concept of Freedom has been invaded.
Now, instead of being confined to the idea of the United States, I believe the heart of Freedom exists in every man, woman and child - Freedom from tyranny, freedom from fear, freedom from indoctrination, freedom from a vampiric economic system, Freedom from Annihilation.
How far will Big Tech and DC go to censor dissent?
Will they push it so far that they force a response? Of course they will. That’s the prime strategy.
But we have Love on our side, and it’s a far greater power than bullets and hand grenades. Or DEWs or smart bombs - especially when put under extreme pressure. So, when our response is forced, the power of our Love will be so tightly compressed that when released it will dissolve the evil spells that have been enchanted upon the legions; it will magnetize all to UNITY CONCSIOUSNESS, where all people Know God Almighty.
Mistakes will be corrected.

From a certain perspective, the world is going absolutely bonkers, with the EU’s new adoption of the evil Digital Idenity, and the FCC’s hushed, rushed vote on a more equitable internet. (What a bucket of bollucks!)
I don’t know what lies ahead, there are some dire predictions but I won’t engage my creative energy in them. Instead I will continue to imagine The Best Possible Future For All, and it includes Zero Point Energy and Plasma Physics and Replicators and Flying Cars and MedBeds and a complete revamping of the education system… etc.
If people WANT to live in a tyrannical society - like China, North Korea and now Europe - go for it! But if you want to be Free, then all this new technology is sitting around, waiting for us to DEMAND it. Free Energy = Freedom from Tyranny. And this is our LAST STAND.
Or we will lose it, forever.
We can no longer go with the flow, waiting for someone else to save our freedoms and our future; it is up to each one of us to stand up. And, the minute we do stand up - the game is over for them. The longer we comply with their agenda to eradicate us, the more we are eradicated. It’s that simple.
The only answer is to NOT COMPLY with TYRANNY, and Stand in the Strength of God’s Love, my friends, to FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT TO EXIST!!!!
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In Unity,
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