IT IS VERY POSSIBLE that we will all wake up one of these mornings to learn how impossibly bad the situation is out of East Palestine, Ohio. Perhaps hundreds of millions of people - myself included - have been exposed to unimaginably high level of Dioxins and are now the Walking Dead; ticking time bombs of cancer and neurological disorders due to the government-sanctioned uncontrolled burn after the train bomb accident.
That’s what the experts say, in any case, while the government sweeps it all under the rug and grants billions more $$$ to Nazi/Khazarian Ukraine. It almost seems like an intentional act of sabotage, or even an act of war, when you look at it from a certain perspective.
I asked Eric Coppolino, one of the foremost journalistic authorities on Dioxins, if it was possible that the East Palesine train bomb was a hoax of grand proportions (for what reason, remains to be seen) and he said ABSOLUTELY NOT. He will be addressing my questions on his live radio program tomorrow (Friday 2/24).
So, even though I’m not feeling any different than I did two weeks ago, and even though most people seem blissfully ignorant of the situation, I’m assuming that the shit has already hit the fan and we’re just waiting for it to splat on our faces in the grandest way possible.
FACT: BlackRock is the link between humanity, and AI.
The train lines (Norfolk Southern) of almost all the train bombs in the past few weeks are controlled by BlackRock & Vanguard (which is a subsidiary of BlackRock). In case you don’t know, BlackRock has controlled the stock market the past many years via Artificial Intelligence (AI), and controls more money than almost all countries in the world combined. It is the single most powerful entity on Earth.
(BlackRock is lorded over by a man named Fink. The definition of the word Fink is someone who lacks courage to do the right thing; someone who will sell others out; contemptible.)
In all of my writing of the past few years, I have been very clear about the fact that the movie, The Matrix, although presented as science fiction, is a documentary - in fact, a very serious warning. It is clear now that we are not simply entering into a war against AI, but that AI has been waging war on us - for a very long time.
The ultimate theme of the Matrix series is that LOVE (self love, and love of others) IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER.
The Satanic, anti-human bullshit of transgenderism & transhumanism, not to mention the bullshit of Covid, the bullshit of vilifying all white people, the bullshit of the Green New Deal, the bullshit of saying BLM riots are peaceful and peaceful conservative demonstrations are riots, should all be knocks upside the head to help wake people up to the attack on humanity…. but Globalist-enslaved Woke people continue to sleep in their delusions, as Satanic AI marches on in its destruction of humanity, and Earth.
I really don’t blame people.
The Evil Ones have made life so fucking IMPOSSIBLE, people do whatever they can to survive, or not. Suicide is more an option now than it ever was. In fact in many science fiction movies, suicide is presented as a mechanical action in the endless recycling of souls in the Great Machine. (Science fiction, like Hollywood, is not fiction, but Predictive Programming.)
At this point, I have stopped believing anything I read because even the people I respect most are saying the most ridiculous things, and even when I keep my mind open as wide as possible - it becomes too much to bear when the people I have respected for YEARS start spouting nonsense. In fact, I’ve pretty much stopped reading and listening and watching all together, because all I’m seeing now is conspiracies - the conspiracy of Hollywood, the conspiracy of Scientism, the conspiracy of Education, the conspiracy of the Medical Industry… the conspiracy of the Energy industry, the conspiracy of Government, the conspiracy of Spirituality. On the other hand, I see humans who deny the conspiracies, who are actively enabling them - lending their time, energy & money to the eradication of humanity.
So - instead of consuming information, knowing that AI is very busy spamming the internet with all kinds of fake and quasi-fake information, people & events (such as Elon Musk, and perhaps East Palestine?), I spend time improving my cooking skills, and excercising, and writing, and drawing, and laughing, and praying, and singing, and connecting with Divinity. Everything that AI cannot interact with.
FACT: Quantum physics allows for a reality in which humanity and Earth can heal completely from this and every disater. It allows for a world in which the transportation of goods is no longer necessary, where growing food is no longer necessary - and perhaps most importantly, it allows for a world in which Negative AI has no place.
We live in a quantum universe of frequencies. Sound and Light are the glue that manifest our Third Dimensional reality in the limited bandwidth that we have access to. What we consider our reality, is pure illusion. It is true that the Kingdom of God is WITHIN - but the Evil Ones teach us to avoid WITHIN at all costs - and focus outward - in competition, in glamour, in sex, in greed, in EGO - all lower frequency thoughts and actions (the 7 Deadly Sins).
East Palestine is the greatest alarm bell the world has ever known, clanging in our brains. If we are AT ALL CONSCIOUS of what is happening, we must rise up and make the most serious noise imaginable. NOW.
Pray to God Almighty for forgiveness, and Divine Grace!
Or become the eternal slave of the most evil construct imaginable - as billions of people already are in the context of Slavery, Child Sex Abuse, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Addiciton, Poverty, Isolation, etc. etc. etc. etc.
Life should be SO AMAZING!!! Only by REFUSING the Satanic Negative AI reality of enslavement / disconnection, will we have access to the Positive, Divine Reality of sovereignty / connection!
This is accomplished in the simple act of refusing Fear, and embracing LOVE.
Let go of all that does not serve the Highest Good for your Self, and for All. Forgive yourself. Forgive everyone else. Open your heart, empty out all the pain; replace it with God’s Infinite Love.
Replacing Fear with Love is the only choice you need to make. It’s the choice that flips our collective fate from negative, to positive. If you need help, reach out and I will help.
In Unity,
Join me on my Telegram channel for newsfeed and conversation.