It would be difficult to quantify what I’ve sacrificed post 9/11, once I fully realized the extent of Pure Evil that exists in this world.
Although I already had awareness by then, it was blatantly evident in Bush Jr’s eyes on the night Baby Bush fraudulently called the election. It was obvious in the toxic smoke as the the World Trade Center turned to ash. And from my perspective, it’s undeniable now that 4 of my 6 fully-jabbed siblings battle sudden, and in some cases multiple cancers.
Removing myself (as much as possible) from The System after 9/11 allowed me to spend my time and energy in research, which I’ve been doing ever since. I began to meet like-minded people who had similar knowledge and experience, but it’s only in the COVID era that new factions of people who question The System began to form and multiply, and I’m thrilled that it has taken off like wildfire. I have to give Trump credit that he became a galvanizing force, despite his glaring flaws. We the People began to re-focus on God Almighty once again, and I sincerely believe this is the most important thing we can be doing, for it acts as a protective cloak from those evil forces. Religious institutions are crumbling at the same time, which is ideal.
I’ve spent a considerable amount of energy recently trying to figure out the point of the massive amount of COVID casualties (death and injury) and genital mutilation of our children - why has it been allowed to continue on, and on, and on???? Not to mention the child sex trafficking, and fentanyl, and other assaults of anti-humanism.
I now believe that the heart-wrenching and horrifying casualties of this non-declared war are necessary in order to remind future generations the extent to which Evil has been allowed to creep in to society so that it can never happen again.
TRUTH: Satanic influence over society is 100% contrived and only has power if you give it attention. Fake Media, Marketing Industry, Music Industry and Hollywood etc, including current education system all exist to force you to give it your attention!
NOTE: The word Hollywood, broken down, is holly & wood. The holly tree symbolizes the crown of thorns on Christ’s head upon being crucified, but the greater meaning is Wand… specifically to be used to bewitch the masses. Take a moment to think about that.
Where Our Attention Goes, Energy Flows
The Harry Potter series and the Matrix series both served dual purposes.
As Hollywood productions, they are telling us what they’re going to do to us - this is apparently some cosmic rule that must be obeyed when attempting to take over a planet. At the same time, they are giving us the exact method of thwarting the takeover. This certainly seems bizarre, but you have to remember that the people who are credited with creating these stories are both human and Cabal… so maybe their humanity took pity on us.
FACT: It’s next to impossible to become rich & famous without being a part of the Cabal!!!
For those of you who have yet to accept that there are other sentient beings in the universe - well, you’ll get there, sooner rather than later! Science Fiction is NOT FICTION! Dune, Star Wars, Stargate 1 & Foundation are fantastic stories - but they’re NOT FICTION! They are in fact educating us as to what’s happening in the greater universe, which is also the great evil that Earth is facing at this point in time!
When Trump mentions 1,000 Years of Peace…. that’s a direct reference to Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series.
I certainly don’t claim to be an expert on this subject matter, there are many who have dedicated their lives to exploring non-human activity, and many who have direct experience with extra-terrestrials, or Other Dimensional Beings, or aliens, or whatever terminology is appropriate. My experience is extremely limited compared to people like Ken Rohla, Michael Salla, Eleana Danaan, Dan Winter etc, but I do have some, and it has served the purpose of illuminating my path in life, for which I am exceedingly grateful.
At one point in my journey I was encouraged to seek out the help of the Archangels.
Up to that point I had no knowledge or context of the angelic realm, in fact I thought of them - and God! - as placebo. But then I read Yogananda’s book, Autobiography of a Yogi, and that changed everything. Babaji, an ascended master (the equivalent of archangel in Christian theology) became a great inspiration and although I do not for one second believe that I am anywhere near evolved enough to enter into his focus, the knowledge of his existence helped me dramatically to evolve, spiritually.
At the risk of sounding like an absolute neophyte, an ascended master is someone who in life was able to master energy, lifeforce, and divinity, and upon death was given the choice to ascend in order to merge with God, or remain here to help humanity. Babaji, of whose lineage Yogananda evolved, chose to remain and exists in a super-human form, meaning that he can materialize at will which he does occasionally. Otherwise, he exists in a purely energetic form. His purpose is to give support to those who dedicate their lives to knowing and embodying God-energy.
Archangels are the Christian equivalent of Hindu Ascended Masters. The most commonly known are Gabriel, messenger of God; Michael, dispenser of justice; Raphael, healer & protector of travelers; and Uriel, angel of prophecy and wisdom.
Currently, I am studying the work of St. Germain, yet another ascended master, whose wisdom is helping me evolve to an even greater level of Divine Mastery. He is not a religious figure in the traditional sense. Instead, he is focused on helping us each to discover the power of words, and to activate our Divine Connection so that we can help bring Divine Awareness to Earth and Humanity. I consider him to be the ascended master of the quantum realm.
I’m well aware that my lifestyle of extreme simplicity baffles people around me, especially the unawakened. After decades, I’ve finally gotten used to it. I no longer care what anyone thinks, instead I’ve graduated to the point of being supremely confident that I’m surrounded by support from my ancestors, the Angels and Ascended Masters. IMHO There is little value in the material world; all value lies in Divine Connection.
Jesus certainly didn’t value the material world! Perhaps his greatest lesson is that the Kingdom of Heaven is Within, and Love is Always the Answer!!!
In Unity,
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