My Life Challenges, and the testimony of a valued friend, taught me to turn to God Almighty.
I haven’t yet achieved perfection of accessing Divine Insight in the moment however I recently came across writing that illuminated The Struggle and helped me “soldier on” despite my many failures:
For many of us, given our life struggles it takes a tremendous amount of inner work get to the point of Walking With God. But the real work is growing beyond the SELF; growing that Divine connection to the point of Being the Light for the Dark Chaos of Society.
For some of us it’s a long & treacherous road. For others, it’s ingrained & second nature. Ultimately, BEING THE LIGHT IN THE CHAOS is the goal for each of us.
Until, of course, EVERYONE IS IN THE LIGHT!!
That is the whole concept of the Allegory of Plato’s Cave, in which each one of us must experience the Dark Night of the Soul in order to begin to realize there’s something wrong. That is a profound, seismic shift in our reality. Then we must go through the exceptionally difficult work of realizing WHAT is wrong and how to escape what we inevitably realize is a False Matrix. Finally, after we escape the False Matrix and are rejuvenated by the Purity of God’s Love, and our job is to go back and rescue those who are still enslaved.
Sounds a bit like evangelism, doesn’t it!!!
However, if you take religion out of the picture and simply access that personal relationship with the Creator, it makes perfect, fabulous sense.
The enslavement is literally Disconnection from Source!

Right now, my backyard is Lake Erie.
Last night I was making candles and realized I hadn’t lit a candle in a few nights. As soon as I did, I got the very strong message - Fire & Water work together as a Catalyst for Prayer.
10-4. Message Received. And so I opened the windows and prayed for the Best Possible World For ALL, for the next few hours!!!
That’s one way The Creator communicates with me. I get messages, or as some people call them - downloads.
Another form of Divine Communication is messages from departed loved ones.
Many years after his death, my father came to me in my dreams asking to be put to rest. After the 3rd dream I learned that his ashes were still at the funeral home, so I got them and eventually we gave him a military burial.
A friend was murdered by her husband. As I went to mend her daughter’s shirt, the sensation of a thousand little white butterlies flew out of the sewing box, giving me absolute shivers of joy. I later learned through dream interpretations that this means that the soul has achieved Nirvana/Heaven.
My neighbor died of Glioblastoma. In a dream she came to me showing how she had perfected her relationship with religion by gleefully riding a massive Harley up the stairs and into a Catholic monastary.
My step-father came to me, about 12 hours after death. He was very confused, didn’t know what was going on. I’ve heard this happens when people die on certain drugs. So, I told him in telepathically - hang out here until you figure out where to go. But over the course of 2 days, his spirit disintigrated radically, and he didn’t know what to do, so I said, “Your mother is waiting for you - follow the Love.” And within minutes, a bright light flashed and he was gone.
Yet another way God communicates, is thus.
A year or so ago I moved up to look after my aging mother. She has a condo on Lake Erie and my step-brother had stayed here and looked after her for a while. So when it came time for me to move, and the condo was open, I assumed I would be welcomed.
Well, I was not. After a few months, she asked me “Why are you here?” She could not comprehend/accept that age was getting the better of her, although it was obvious to me and many others. I replied, “When I was about 10, I was with Granny one day and she realized she hadn’t heard from one of her good friends. So we went over and found that she had fallen in the bathtub, where she had been for several days. Granny told me - It’s your job to make sure this never happens to your mother.” So, here I am.
Well, that didn’t matter to her, and so with extreme pressure from my sister she asked me to leave. I began to pack my things and was a day from moving when there was a knock at my door. My mother’s neighbor, who happens to be a pastor, told me that there had been an accident.
Knowing of my complicated relationship with my mother, he said, “What a miracle it is that you’re still in town.” Indeed, I replied.
She had fallen off the porch onto her head and looked an absolute mess. I went with her as she was transferred to intensive care in a better hospital, but over the course of 2 days she barely acknowledged my presence. While I sat in her hospital room, she talked to my sister on the phone and they criticized & demeaned me. She lauded and praised her friends who called to offer their support and help and yet never once did she say “thank you for being here” or anything nice or positive at all. It became obvious that my presence was not welcomed, and so I left. Let her precious friends take care of her, I thought.
To me, the fact that I was still there when she fell was a supreme sign from God (Or perhaps my grandmother!) that I was in the right place at the right time. But, because my family is so far removed from Divinity, my being there was not valued AT ALL.
I live my life in such a dramatically different way, they are incapable of comprehending. And - at this point, after the ridiculous propaganda campaign of COVID and how easily people relinquished their most basic human rights, and pressured others to do so - despite being warned by me, beginning with Event 201 - I no longer care.
A necessary skill we develop along the way is FORGIVENESS which, like all skills, has many levels of progress.
I haven’t figured out how to rescue my family from Plato’s cave. I have been able to rescue many others, tho, and my light only ever grows stronger. You can only do what you can do.
Yet another way God communicates with me:
Decades ago, I began to notice a pattern in my life. I would go through a sort of low-pressure period where things would go wrong, and I lost whatever tenuous sense of balance I had. I usually became depressed and suicidal during these periods. Then, one day I realized that without fail these times of depression were followed by something FANTASTIC happening… excellent housing, a great gig, a valued new friend - something life-changing. Kind of like how the ocean sucks water out before a Tsunami, or how the air pressure changes before a big storm… it has to do with WATER. I haven’t figured out the mechanics of it yet, but since this discovery I’ve never been depressed! I still feel those low-pressure systems and experience the upgrades, but I gained control over the response; an important lesson to learn.
Around that time, after the birth of my son now 20, I also began to practice gratitude. I had always been socially grateful, but when I began to PRAY gratitude, and embody gratitude… that was life-changing. It’s been an upwards spiral ever since!
How God communicates with YOU will be different. There are many people who have similar experiences, but everyone is unique and at a different frequency. The higher your frequency, the more of this Divine Communication you have access to.
Paths to the Divine Matrix:
Pay attention to coincidence, new people in your life, serendipity.
Spend more time away from all devices and out of range of WiFi.
Put your bare feet on the ground and hug a tree.
Get plenty of sunshine.
Drink close-to-nature-as-possible mineral spring water.
Eat organic / local-as-possible.
Practice Deep, Intentional Breathing (“Do you think that’s AIR you’re breathing?”)
Eat less, drink more water.
Meditate more.
Do Good Work.
Stop consuming alcohol (“evil spirit”) and manufactured drugs.
Laugh as much as possible.
Make other people happy.
Absolve your material world ego (not spiritual ego, which is necessary); part of this process is to learn how to Not Respond to other people’s negativity.
Today is a monumental day; the end of the Fiat Petro Dollar.
There will soon be a monumental global experience - war, financial crash, natural disaster - that will serve as the End of the Old and signal the Start of the New. Whether the New is sovereign New Earth or the Globalist tyrannical version of the Great Reset remains to be seen. Perhaps both will exist, but in different dimensions. There are no clear answers yet, not until we know who controls the new financial system.
All we can do is PRAY.
And that, my friends, is how WE communicate with The Divine Creator!
Thanks for stopping by!!!
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In Unity,
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