Sometimes I think to myself, “I cannot BELIEVE how much progress has been made toward the Quantum Leap!”
…. and I sit in silent incredulity that the Best Possible Future is so close, I can almost touch it. Education and information about how we have the ability to use our imagination and our focus to create and shape our reality …. perhaps the most important information ever to come to light… is everywhere to be found if one is looking for it.
But then the Globalists make a brash move, as was announced today today in the folding of Twitter into Musks’ all-encompassing X Corp. I had anticipated this ominous move, but I didn’t expect it so soon. My hackles were raised last week when Twitter decided to block Substack content; Substack being one of the foremost uncensored platforms. As it turns out, that move was a foreshadowing of what was just around the bend.
If you’re not familiar, in China there is a centralized, all-encompassing app called WeChat which serves as social media hub, payment hub, social credit score hub - essentially, it contains a person’s entire digital identity. So, as they implement the totalitarian 15-minute cities, you are granted your freedom only if your social credit score on WeChat is above a certain level, according to your obedience and submission (of which Chinese people are now 3 generations indoctrinated.)
So, Musk’s, which is not live yet, will be the global equivalent of WeChat.
It is a centralized totalitarian tool of unimaginable power.
If you don’t use it, basically you can’t participate in society. If you do use it, you subject yourself to the whims of the Globalists, under threat of starvation, imprisonment, organ harvesting and worse.
This one centralized app will effectively eliminate all freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of health, freedom of education, freedom of food, etc etc etc. It will eliminate freedom in totality.
I know that many people thought Elon Musk was doing the world a favor when he bought Twitter and began exposing the ways in which it had been manipulating elections and enabling pedophilia etc, but it doesn’t matter. What we don’t realize is the gate has already been shut behind us, we have been effectively corralled into the slaughterhouse already. So, whatever tidbits they want to throw us, serve the singular purpose of distraction.
Elon did make sure we all saw his Satanic Baphomet Halloween costume last year, and his mother’s Satanic photo shoots have been shoved in our face for years now.
These anti-humans stopped hiding their Satanism years ago. So what if the Dalai Lama has been filmed sexually abusing a young child? Biden’s been doing it for years on national TV with not a word from the press.
But I digress.
Musk has been overt in his pursuit of neural interfaces, virtual reality and the subjugation of humanity into the digital realm. I actually closed out my Twitter account completely when he bought it, knowing what he was working toward. I have been thrilled about some of the truthbombs he’s let loose, but as I said, none of it matters if becomes a reality.
I assume that Musk is artificial intelligence. He was a real person at one point, but has most likely been cloned and uploaded into the hive-mind, which is why he/it pushes neuralink so hard. And which is why he/it is able to do so much and have access to so much funding.
In the 1990s in NYC I got to know several futurists, including Jaron Lanier who invented Virtual Reality, who is now a lead programmer for Microsoft Virtual Reality. Also, DJ Spooky aka Paul Miller, who was a Cabal groomer… and has since proven to be brazenly Cabal.
So the truth is, you can’t gauge any of these futurists by who they were at one time…. only by what they’re doing now. Anyone who thinks its a great idea to move to a Human 2.0 society, is prolly not human any longer.
Is this the end game?
It might be, but it might not be. I’ve been following Kim Goguen (aka Kim Possible) for many years, she calls herself the #2 Enemy of Evil. (I’m not sure who #1 is.) She says that Evil has been defeated, and what we’re seeing at this point is neceessary so that people realize what MIGHT HAVE BEEN. It’s a scare tactic, for the specific reason of creating an image that is so powerful, that humans will never again allow Evil a seat at the table.
Remember - at the same time that this Human 2.0 possibility is being foisted upon us, we are gaining access to our Divine powers… our Christed powers…. to be able to interface with All That Is WITHOUT neuralink!!! These Christed powers allow us to design our collective and individual futures in peace, unity, love, as natural humans.
Where your attention flows, energy goes.
Maybe most people will end up enslaved in because they’re unwilling to shake free of the illusion / delusion of society.
I do know that I will not end up in, even though I’m GenX! I am awake and aware enough to avoid it at ALL COSTS! I wouldn’t last one day in that system - the robot dogs would jump through my window and suck my brains out before the ink was dry on the contract! I am way too established as a free-thinker to survive in that system.
I choose Divinity.
I choose to continue on a most glorious path of Ascension, knowing that our universe is governed by Frequencies, and the higher our personal and collective frequency…. the closer to God Almighty we are.
I know that the worst enemy we have, is fear. Fear is the Mind-Killer. Conquer fear, and you are set free.
In Unity,
Telegram White Lion Conversation
Telegram Free Energy Now
As always - take what resonates, leave the rest, and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!