There are several streams of consciousness at play - one for people who listen to Mainstream Media, another who pay attention to Trump and Q, yet another for people who remain addicted to vice, and yet another for those who are completely off grid all together.
Never the twain shall meet.
I do not consider myself a self-righteous person, and yet when people have to share space having such dramatically different perspectives on reality, is it possible to NOT be self-righteous? I’ve been toying with this cunundrum for a while now, trying to figure out how I can be most Christ-like in dealing with people who are not able to see what I see.
Forgiveness is an imperative. I have decided to forgive my family members who have stabbed their knives deep into my back over and over again these past few years - captives of the Satanic enslavement system, ignorant of the changing world. I have to forgive them, for they know not what they do.
To not forgive, only hurts me in the end.
I will never again trust them, for as the curtain rises and they are forced to face their extreme lack of judgment, they will descend into shame - and people are more dangerous when they are in shame, than pride. I’ll have to figure out how to deal with that when the time comes - very, very soon.
I know I’m not alone in this predicament, I know there are many many people out there who are experiencing very similar decisions, so if you’re one of them - I hope you take solace that these excrutiating choices are being made all over the world by people just like you and me. None of us are alone.
The whole point of this shift is to be BETTER humans - more representative of God Almighty, for this is the only way out of Hell.
“It’s not me they’re after, it’s you,” said Trump, “and I gladly take the slings and arrows for you.”
I have been aware of the Satanic system since about 1986, and the knowledge I gained at that time was increased, as the predictions from that lecture describing the New World Order came true, one after the other, all the way through to the Covid scamdemic.
Global mortality and infertility has skyrocketed since the jabs. Italy recorded ZERO births in the last 3 months. (!!!!!) Teenagers are dying of heart attacks in unbelievable numbers, and the bastards are trying to normalize it.
At what point do the sleeping sheeple wake TF up???????
As long as mainstream media continues, they will remain asleep. As long as this false economic system continues, they will remain asleep. As long as the Satanic reality goes on undisturbed - they will remain asleep.
But I don’t think that’s going to be for very long. There was a report this morning that MSM has been ordered to start spewing truth, TODAY. We’re seeing elections overturned due to election fraud, we’re witnessing the medical industry implode, we’re seeing the Globalist asshole mayors, judges, senators picked off one by one for their heinous crimes, we heard Johnson introduced as the 45th Speaker of the House, which indicates that we are now in the Restored Republic. Rachel Chandler is all over the place, now that Matthew Perry’s death has been announced (He died a LONG time ago). She is the fundamental key to the Epstein Client List, which will bring down 90% of our elected politicians.
And, perhaps most celebratorily (sic), the private Iraqi Dinar international revaluation has already been announced, and the public rate will be announced on Sunday - opening the gates to the RV/GCR and Quantum Financial System. (edit: didn’t happen Sunday, maybe Tuesday.)
Trump announced his plans for free college, siphoning illicit funds from private universities, and continues to say absolutely fantastic things about our future - which I hope are true. Sometimes I do worry that Trump is just a giant distraction while the NWO battons down the hatches of our enslavement, but ultimately I have no power over that and I choose to keep my energy focused on the BEST POSSIBLE FUTURE FOR ALL. If it goes to the NWO, I’ll be disappeared in very short order, and I have no control over that, either.
I forgive you, family, for your grave indiscretions towards me.
I forgive you, friends, for your indescribable disrespect towards me.
I forgive you, everyone who has shot arrows at me because my cutting-edge, quantum, visionary comprehension of reality challenged your status quo.
And so it is.
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