Nassim Haramein’s extraordinary announcement last weekend (August 5) barely created a ripple outside of the few of us who pay attention to Free Energy, and yet the implications are staggering for all of humanity.
Access to Zero-point Energy gives us not only access to free & infinite energy, but has unimaginable applications when applied to health, food, education and so much more.
Day in and day out we are pummeled by the False Matrix which is built on lies upon lies, and deception upon deception. Generations of humans have grown up with wrong knowledge - coerced to relinquish their God-given rights for a wee bit o’ CONVENIENCE - which I have come to believe is the Devil’s currency. George Carlin wasn’t lying when he said, “It’s called the American Dream, cuz you have to be asleep to believe it". Convenience & Luxury ARE the American Dream.
I’ve had my eye on Haramein and Dan Winter and Wallace Thornhill and Nikola Tesla and Viktor Schuaberger and Lakhovsky and many more physicist/inventors for decades, and I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that Free Energy exists, and HAS existed, and HAS been kept from us by the Evil Ones for many generations; These are facts.
The question becomes: How it is that Haramein was able to build a Free Energy empire? Normally, people of his stature would have been silenced one way or another LONG before publicly announcing such an extraordinary revelation. All I know for sure is that he was brought to the world stage by Foster Gamble in the first Thrive movie, and so I’m sure the answer lies there.
The hope is, of course, that despite all the chaos happening in our world today, something has shifted on the world stage - to our benefit.
I’ve envisioned it for years. Not necessarily because I read of lot of science fiction & fantasy, but because many visionary scientists have been destroyed by the Evil Ones in the search of free energy - Royal Rife, Wilhelm Reich, Tesla, Schauberger, Stan Meyer. There was some wicked trickery going on after WWII, to get & keep humanity addicted to oil, drugs and fast food - CONVENIENCE - and ignorant of societal-evolutionary discoveries & inventions in free energy.
The Great Un-Hypnotising is imminent.
We are inches away from some form of global cataclysm that will eradicate the reality currently live in. And remember, as things get crazy: If it happens to you, it’s real! But if you’re sitting home in your LaZBoy clicking the channels, it might not be real.
Even phone calls can be faked. AI is everywhere.
The only way we can know what’s real, going forward, is by disconnecting from the False Matrix (Chasing “The American Dream”) and start living in Divine Connection with All That Is. The Great I Am. Source. The Creator. This Universal Matrix is where all the information is, and you access it through your heart-mind connection.
Your brain needs to become ruled by your heart. This is an important step toward the New First Rule - Do No Harm.
I can promise you that I will not be living in any form of Brave New World. Ain’t gonna happen. Instead, I will be living in a community that I design, employing cutting-edge bio-dynamic architecture & design, centered around keeping the flame of Divine Creativity ever-lit and flowing. The community will employ quantum energy for regulating temperature and environment, cooking and whatever else. Imagine the Starship Enterprise, and how efficient that technology is - those shows were intended to give us an idea of what’s possible; in fact, what was already in existence in the Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs)! Even replicators will be available, if you don’t mind eating re-atomized food.
What is awesome about this time is Infinitely Greater and More Interesting that what is BAD!!!!!
With the launch of Haramein’s International Space Federation (ISF), we have achieved a new level of human evolution with liberating technologies, and a deeper understanding of the nature of reality.
“Imagine a world that has access to unlimited off-planet resources”
Haramein’s announcement served as the official Disclosure of Free Energy to the world.
ISF has been born, is on the ascendant, and Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming.
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In Unity,
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