The Foundational Knowledge of Slavery
The Importance of Questioning Reality in Order to Reveal the Greater Truth
What Americans are taught in public education (all levels) is incomplete at best, and hogwash at worst.
This is intentional, not only to obscure f/actual history and the physics of the Universe, but on a greater level to assure that the vast majority of people don’t develop the skills or desire to question the mainstream narrative. Henry Ford and JD Rockefeller were instrumental in designing & implementing this system.
I was raised to admire the industrialists of the 19th and 20th century. My family spent a lot of time visiting the “great” houses of Vanderbilt, Roosevelt, Morgan, Eastman etc. to see how “great” people lived. The mansions were beautiful, to be sure, but the question was always on my mind - what is the cost for the not-so-great people, that so few people live so lavishly?
Over the course of my lifetime, this line of questioning has led me on an extraordinary journey to what I call Foundational Knowledge - all that we SHOULD be taught, but which the Evil Ones have “occulted” (kept hidden). Today, I’m going to use slavery as a way to illustrate the difference between Foundational Knowledge and the False Mainstream Narrative.
Before I begin, let me be very clear: What happened in the kidnapping, enslaving, torturing and killing of slaves in the US was horrific beyond words; anti-human IMHO. Likewise, the government policies, post-slavery, have been intentionally disempowering. I do not begrudge any descendent of slavery - ANYWHERE - their anger, frustration, or inability to thrive in the highly manipulated system of this world! What I’m putting forth here does not question THAT reality on any level.
Slavery is pretty much a taboo subject.
It’s an uncomfortable subject, and yet it’s the perfect avenue to explore how our collective knowledge has been manipulated. Post-slavery racism in the US has been exacerbated in recent years by BLM, causing riots, looting, murder and social disorder on a grand scale, as the cultural idea has been promoted that ALL white people are guilty for the enslavement of ALL Black people.
It is my innerstanding that the people who are responsible for the recent racist inflammation are the very same (collective) people who are responsible for slavery itself.
So let’s take a magnifying glass to the history of slavery to see if I might have a case.
Slavery was first introduced in the Code of Hammurabi (1750 BC, Babylon), one of the first set of laws ever written down, and one of the building blocks of the global legal system. This object of stone onto which the Code is etched, can be found in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
FACT: Slavery has always been a part of society
This includes the ancient cultures of Egypt, Greece, and of course Rome - which was notorious for enslaving the people it defeated. Importantly, from 1300 to mid-1800, nearly 1/3 of the African population was enslaved by other Africans.
In the final census of American slavery (1860), there were 4 million slaves of African descent. 1.4% of “White” Americans owned those slaves. To blame all White people for American slavery is ignorant at best, and a massive psy-op at worst.
FACT: The Republican Party was founded as the anti-slave party.
FACT: The 14th & 15th Amendments, which empowered ex-slaves, were passed with only Republican votes.
Today, the official numbers are that about 8,000,000 children around the world go missing every year (839,000 in the US alone). There are no official numbers for the totalilty of modern slavery including adults; only guesses and obfuscations by the organizations that are involved in human trafficking. However, based on the official numbers of child slavery, we can safely assume that the number is extremely high - possibly 1 in 80 people.
FACT: Slavery is one of the most profitable businesses in the modern world, raking in hundreds of billions of dollars every year in the sale of humans, not to mention the profits from slave-produced goods.
Despite the fact that slavery is mostly invisible to those who have Mainstream tunnel vision, it is thriving in a world that has been turned upside down by what people perceive as Acts of God, such as weather events, wars and abject poverty.
We are taught to speak of slavery only in relation to its existence in the American South…. and this fallacy must end now!!! As an example, John of God, the so-called spiritual mentor of Oprah Winfrey, ran a BABY FARM in Brazil, where hundreds of women were raped and thousands of children were born (undocumented) and sold for at least $15,000 dollars! Just as Jeffrey Epstein was only one example of a global-scale child trafficker/predator - John of God is only one example of Baby Farm Barbarity!
Note: it is now being revealed that Madonna, Angelnia Jolie and Oprah Winfrey have been engaged in child trafficking in the guise of so-called philanthropy. This very concept of using philanthropy, Non-profits/NGOs and the cover of the State Department as fronts for human trafficking, will soon become common “foundational” knowledge.
These ridiculously high numbers regarding modern-day slavery should HORRIFY everyone who is free!!!!!
Now, just for a moment, imagine that all the people involved with BLM (a highly fraudulent, manipulated organization funded by George Soros) who have engaged their energy in misplaced retribution against White People, instead turned that energy toward the REAL enemies of the We The People… We could end slavery in a very short time!
What has been revealed in my extensive, multi-decade research (and that of countless others) is that there is a silent system operating behind the scenes that, preying on human vice, blackmails people with high ambition, especially those who are on the path of money and power. People often make egregious mistakes when they are inebriated, or trying to impress someone who might help them climb the ladder of success, and the Enemies of Humanity - often referred to as the Cabal, the Illuminati, the Elite, the Deep State etc. - have taken advantage of this basic human weakness.
What I am presenting here is very quickly becoming Foundational Knowledge. If you care to binge-watch an extraordinary multi-series documentary that travels deep down this rabbit hole, then Janet Ossebaard’s Fall of the Cabal is for you.
One of Jeffrey Epstein’s primary jobs was to film ambitious people in compromising situations which could be used against them in a court of law; most often, engaging in pedophilia. Once the blackmail material was obtained, the person then became an asset for the Cabal. It’s very similar to how the Freemasons work - if you ever go against the organization, your life (and that of your family) is at stake. In fact, the Freemasons are (have become) a networking / recruitment organization for the Cabal.
So, we have elite global (terrorist) organizations that are heavily engaged in blackmail & human trafficking, carrying on a tradition of slavery that was codified many thousands of years ago in Babylon.
The word Babylon translates in ancient Akkadian as “Gate of the Gods.” Babylon’s patron deity was Marduk, who was symbolized by a "snake-dragon.” In the prologue of the Code of Hammurabi, presented by the “gods” Anu & Enlil, it was determined that Marduk would be the steward of the people.
According to recent revelations by experts such as Zachariah Sitzchen, Michael Tellinger, Graham Hancock and many others, Anu was the king of the Annunaki (Those who came from Heaven to Earth). Enlil & Enki (aka Ea) were Anu’s sons, and Marduk was Enki’s son. I encourage you to take a trip down this rabbit hole to learn this Foundational Knowledge for yourself, but what’s important here is that in the Babylonian lore, the Annunaki are presented as gods (with a little g; they are also the Nephilim of the Old Testament). In Tellinger’s book Slave Species of the Gods, the Annunaki are described as extraterrestials - millions of years older than humanity - who created humanity to be gold-mining slaves.
(I am fully aware of how completely wacko this sounds to people who have never done any research in this field.)
As the picture becomes more clear, it seems that we have ancient “gods” who created humanity to be their slaves, presented themselves as Gods, and then codified slavery into one of the first-ever written set of human laws, from which the legal system of humanity is based.
Along the way, the “gods” figured out that slaves don’t like being slaves very much, and are costly to feed, house and keep enslaved. So, it has become obvious that with the Industrial Revolution, they implemented a whole new form of slavery. Around this same time, in 1871 there was a political & financial coup d’etat in the United States (complete with a new constitution of the Corporation of the United States). At that time, the Cabal became the occulted overlords of this country.
JP Morgan, JD Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie & Henry Ford were Cabal industrialists who dramatically changed the social landscape of this country. Edward Bernays, using the psychology of his uncle Freud, manipulated the emerging medias to push consumerism & conformity. The Federal Reserve was born (neither federal, nor a reserve) as the tool of ultimate enslavement via income tax, and the straw man (corporate fiction) was introduced through birth (berth) certificates. These entities submerged us into the Law of the Water aka Admiralty Law, which serves only the corporation. The healthcare industry moprhed to petroleum-based medicine and prescription-based doctoring. People were forced off farms and herded into cities. The education system was put in place to create workers, not thinkers and it has gotten more, and more, and more idiotic over time. Other systems, such as corporate food production and distribution, have also been designed to make people fat, sick and dependent on the “Matrix” system.
ALL of these systems are designed to separate humanity from our Divinity, and this is the most important factor.
It is said that the Cabal are descendants of Cain, the first murderer. Mass Murder is seemingly a sacrament to these people. We can recognize people like Henry Kissinger, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, The Bush family, the Clinton family, the Obama family (and so many more) as blatantly Cabal - These are the people toward whom our righteous anger should be directed. They are the slave masters, the torturers, the adrenochrome users, the pedophiles, the mass murderers.
Once we arrive at this Foundational Knowledge as a society, we will very quickly be able to turn things around.
Human Trafficking is EVERYWHERE
Thank you for reading! I hope this blog has brought value to your life. Please join me at White Lion Conversation on Telegram for newsfeed and conversation, and share if you are so inclined.
Footnote: The word Glamour is from the Scottish gramarye, meaning magic, enchantment, spell, charm, bewitch. Consider for a moment that the fashion industry has used Glamour to promote transgenders as the ultimate in femininity; Victoria’s Secret models are all biological males. At the recent Miss Universe pageant, Glamour had been cast aside - they are no longer trying to fool us.
Transgenderism honors the Satanic aspect called Baphoment, which feeds on the sacrifice of children.