If there is to be a future for humanity, those of us who are aware of the Grand Deception must step up and speak out without reservation. Many have been speaking out since the Gates Foundation’s Event 201 in Autumn, 2019, which gamed out their plan to implement a global totalitarian regime. Many of these courageous souls have received extraordinary backlash, threats, censorship, loss of credentials, loss of income and a whole lot more.
In no particular order, I present a list of extraordinarily courageous truth-tellers, and links to their work. In many cases, people have been censored by the technocracy that seeks to implement the global totalitarian regime - including corporations such as Facebook, Google, NYTimes, Washington Post, CNN, Twitter etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
Many of the people on this list were formely entrenched in the Globalist system, but at some point realized that there was a very serious problem, and are now using that experience to help educate people about what has happened and what we need to do to prevent the worst from happening. It is not an exhaustive list; but an excellent departure point for people who are seeking this knowledge.
I still have many questions. Some have dubious connections.
FACT: Knowledge & Freedom are never concrete, and require ever-flowing, permanent attention.
In no particular order:
Dr. Naomi Wolf - The Grand Deception
Dr. Michael Yeadon - Enormous Danger Former Pfizer VP
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - The Covid Cartel Children’s Health Defense
Dr. Robert Malone - The War on Public Health Inventor of mRNA technology
Dr. Joseph Mercola - New Laws Allow Pharma to make ALL Healthcare Decisions (Mercola is one of the most knowledgeable, and the most-censored person on the planet; He is not allowed to keep his content up for more than a few days. There is a link to his Substack in my Recommendations.)
Dr. Judy Mikovitz - Plague of Corruption - Virologist who worked with Fauci
Dr. Scott Atlas - FDA Fraudulently Suppressed Ivermectin as prevention / cure of SARS-Cov2
Senator Ron Johnson - Neuremburg Trials
Dr. Harvey Risch - Suppression of HydroxyChloroquine - Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale Medical School
Dr. Luc Montaigner - Human Version of Mad-Cow Disease in the first days after COVID-19 Injection Discoverer of the human immunodeficiency virus / Nobel Laureate 2008
Dr. Peter McCullough - High Risk of Adverse Reactions to the Vaccine. One of the most published cardiologists in America; stripped of his medical credentials.
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi - Personality changes after vaccination
Dr. Shari Tenpenny - Vaccines are not safe or effective
Del Bigtree - The Highwire podcast
Plandemic: Indoctornation movie