Many of us are using our very last resources to hold on to the last threads of hope, as the war against the Deep State finally emerges out of the shadows into public domain, for all to witness.
Whatever else the media may be attempting to convince us of, this war is Good vs. Evil, ONLY. And, it is - God Willing - the very last stand of the Satanic Globalists.
Our ability to imagine/create/invent a thing, or an experience, or an action is the inception point of change. Can you imagine a world at peace? A world where evil has no power? Can you live inside the reality of that dream as if it’s real?
That’s what I do, in this time in-between, while clinging desperately with all my strength. I pray to God Almighty for Forgiveness and Deliverance. I imagine our world after the fact, when children are returned to Divine Purity, where respect is prioritized, where women are empowered and men courageous, where free energy is deployed, rendering the very concept of money obsolete. I imagine a world full of possibility and connection, joy and play, purity and trust, where the forces of evil have been banished forever.
Can you imagine that world? Will you hold this picture in your mind for just a few minutes, and pray for it to become true?
Things never turn out as we assume, or expect, or hope… fate always has it’s own cards at play. The future is ever-uncertain. But I do believe that my future-vision has a strong chance, and that Love will rule our world.
Steel-clad evidence of the stolen 2020 election is ready to be given to the public by the military
The Brunson Brothers’ Supreme Court case is on the docket, challenging the unconstitutionality of the ratification of the stolen election
Jim Jordan is now Speaker of the House and can create effective change overnight
Netanyahu is showing the world what an absolute Satanic bastard he is
Coronavirus fraud / mass murder is at a boiling point in the media
Countries around the world are de-electing Globalists
Citizen Journalists are taking over the airwaves
Information on free energy is reaching critical mass
High-profile Nobel Laureates are speaking about climate change fraud
etc. etc. etc. (see White Lion Conversation for references)
Change is absolutely happening, there is no question AT ALL.
Whether we believe the change is positive or negative depends on what information we allow into the fabric of our consciousness. So, if you have doubts, or uncertainties, or if you’re losing hope, turn to God Almighty for sustenance. Whatever happens, DO NOT GIVE UP! Hold on to the end of that rope with all the might of your soul!
For what comes AFTER evil is conquered, is everything we’ve been waiting for.
Salvation is just around the corner.
The best possible future, is waiting for us. All we have to do is HOLD ON, and imagine how amazing that future will be. The end is nothing more than a portal to a new beginning…
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