The Port strike is a cover for the global switch to the Quantum Financial system and asset-backed digital banking.
Beneath the surface of the strike, a very dramatic and intentional transition took place in the financial world yesterday: Upon the lead of the Port system, the entire world has switched to the Quantum Financial System (QFS).
The Port system is ground zero for currency (current-cy) valuations; the point at which currencies are valued and recorded. The Port system needed to be shut down in order to upgrade to the QFS, which is the blockchain ledger for the new global digital banking system.
This has much to do with Maritime Law, and we will learn more about this in the coming weeks and months.
Regarding the strike, the issues of pay and automation are moot; automation is unavoidable. China’s ports have been automated for a long while and the cost reduction and reliability factors are far too great for multinational corporations to pass up. The longshoremen will lose their jobs, but there will be a fantastic buyout or payoff, in the end.
FACT: The Longshoreman strike leader is a childhood friend of DJT.
This strike is literally a cover for the transition into the global digital economy.
There are many elements to this transition. Let’s take a look at what else happened yesterday:
1. Basel III Law went into effect
The Basel III law went into effect for international banks. Basel III strengthens the large international banks’ capital requirements and increases financial stability, eliminating the concept of TOO BIG TO FAIL. This is the first stage of the Reset.
New Basel III / Tier 1 Reserve Holding guidelines for Large Banks are as follows:
Minimum Capital Holding Requirement, 4.5%;
Stress Capital Buffer requirement, at least 2.5%;
A capital surcharge for the largest and most complex banks, updated in the first quarter of each year to account for the overall systemic risk of the banks.
These international banks provide the liquidity for global shipping and trade. Some people say this new law represents the re-implementation of the gold standard.
October 1 also saw the implementation of the SOFR law - Secure Overnight Financing Rate - for all banks replacing the archaic & ineffective LIBOR - London Interbank Overnight Rate, allowing for quicker and more secure resolution of overnight transactions.
3. Gold-backed Digital Bonds
Also yesterday, Hong Kong - one of the largest trading principalities - issued the first ever gold-backed digital bond. Bonds support the global markets as well as local currencies. Digital assets are now backed by gold, and digital assets will back all paper currencies. Nothing further will happen until the value of gold is no longer manipulated, and reflects its true value. Putin recently pegged it at $3,000/oz.
These new gold-backed digital bonds will offer investors benefits in regards to this new financial system. They provide a source of income to accredited investors, as well as stability, diversification, predictability and tax advantages. They have the risk of default if the issuer doesn’t pay back the principle, however a tokenized bond backed by gold provides collateral.
Gold backed digital bonds will back gold; gold will back currencies.
These gold-backed bonds will give our financial system the strength to move through the chaos of the immediate future, creating a bridge to the QFS.
4. New FDIC Limits
Starting this month, bank customers will be limited to a balance of $250,000. The new FDIC insurance limitation is also $250,000, meaning that all bank accounts will be fully insured.
There is so much to unpack here, it boggles the mind. Yesterday was an absolutely MONUMENTAL DAY in the history of humanity! For good, or for evil.
Trump’s Executive Order (EO) might give a clue as to who controls the Artificial Intelligence controlling the QFS. Trump’s EO regarding the QFS - LINK
Nobody knows when the Reset will make its way to us little people, but I will venture to guess that it cannot be later than March 1, 2025, most likely sooner. Buckle up! It’ll be a wild ride until then!!!
Here is the instructional video. I have been CENSORED on their Telegram channel for asking intelligent questions, such as “Will we have self-custody of our tokens?” (The answer - NO. Which is deeply disturbing to me.) This is the 2nd or 3rd time I’ve been censored by Goldilocks and that makes me HIGHLY suspicious, this may well be the CBDC.
Thanks for stopping by!!!
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