Welcome to the Real World!
We’re officially in the 4th Quarter, financially, and last night at 9pm for a little while the debt clock put up this beautiful message, which filled my heart with joy! If you haven’t explored this site yet, I encourage you to go read the history of money and explore how the economy is changing. Really good stuff!
Tomorrow, Iraq celebrates its Independence Day and then on Wednesday, they officially join the World Trade Organization. Their new currency rate must be in effect at that time, unleashing the Global Currency Reset, putting the entire world on an asset-backed system. Over time, this will return us to real, uninflated values. The Debt Clock has switched from the Federal Reserve Note, our fiat currency, to US Treasury Note, a gold-backed currency. However, the Debt Clock is not yet showing the true value of gold and silver, which seem to be the final nails in the coffin of the fiat system. When those values show, then we will fully be in the asset-backed system.
What we do NOT want from this new system is centralization in any form. No Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) or fully digital currencies, no SMART cities, no climate change agenda… we want free energy, we want financial sovereignty, and we want an end to all things Globalist! There is already legislation in the pipeline to make CBDCs illegal. They are illegal per the Constitution, in any case.
The banking industry is in free fall as the fiat economy comes to a close. Personal accounts are being locked or stolen, banks are closing by the dozens, bankers are jumping out of windows. At the same time, there is a massive push toward blockchain technology, tokenizing all assets.
I don’t believe blockchain tech is inherently anti-human, but we need to be vigilant that it does not become centralized, for centralization is enslavement disguised as convenience. Convenience is our enemy.
The future economy is based on Real value, not Speculative or Implied value.
The Debt Clock is worth spending some time on. Here’s one person’s interpretation:
The NEW categories say “USA” instead of “US” (“US” is the Corporate Government,“USA” is the Republic)
The NEW “USA TREASURY DOLLARS 2025” has a map of our Nation next to the header.
Our Republic is outlined in Gold.
The US M2 MONEY SUPPLY NOW is decreasing rapidly. This category has a pyramid and Federal Reserve Dollars in the background so we know it’s the Illuminati and Foreign Elite.
However, the NEW category of US M2 $ TO USA $ RATIO NOW is ….… 1 7 7 6 !
So - yes the financial system is changing, but that’s not all… it’s my understanding that this return to a value-based economy is a sign that we’re in an early stage of Ascension!
Can you imagine what our world would be like, without the yoke of Cabal enslavement? With infinite, free energy? With the power of our minds activated to be able to create and manifest anything? I encourage you to spend time in this activity, for our minds are our most powerful asset by far, and will play the most important role in the future. In fact, money will play less and less of a role as we step further into the Age of Aquarius, where everything is possible.
We will only access this new quantum realm after we have elevated our consciousness high enough - eschewing the 7 Deadly Sins for the 7 Graces.
FACT: Not one soul will achieve ascension, except through our own efforts. It is our purpose in being here on Earth at this time. Either we choose to be Divine, or we choose to be Satanic. Either we choose Ascension, or eternal Hell.
Release your fears, your anxieties, your addictions, your conveniences. Embrace forgiveness, empathy, love, joy.
Choose wisely!
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In Unity,
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