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We’re in a palindrome week, a time of dramatic, volcanic change, and Pluto is now entering Aquarius… just INCREDIBLE!! Through it all, I’ve been feeling a bit underwater, muddied, unclear - even though events happening at this time could not paint a more clear picture!
On Monday, the new international digital payment protocol went live - ISO20022 is the entrance of the digital age. Today, it is tested and active.
Yesterday, Putin and Xi dealt the very last blow to the Petro Dollar, after Saudi Arabia signed a deal to start buying and selling oil in Chinese Yuan. It was originally Saudi Arabia agreeing to only buy and sell oil in DOLLAR in exchange for American protection, that created the Petro Dollar in the first place, and so it has truly been a week of death blows.
Most Americans don’t have the first clue what’s happening in the financial world because they pay attention only to Mainstream Media, and if there’s one thing MSM won’t talk about - it’s the death of the Petro Dollar!!!! Those people will wake up one of these days and all their dollars will be gone, and it will be devastating. Hundreds of millions of people, suddenly destitute.
I’ve been waiting to find out what the new global reserve currency will be and it seems obvious at this point that it will be the Yuan (although there are plenty of people saying it will be XRP/XLM). With God’s Grace, this does not mean that China will be doing to the rest of the world what they have done to their own people in creating generations of slaves. But it might, with the rise of AI, so pay attention. It is NOT a good time to let your guard down!
The term I hear most concerning BRICS is ANTI-GLOBALIST (my very favorite term!). Also - people say that we are shifting towards a multi-polar global order.
In words, BRICS is attempting to create economic equality around the world. Putin just forgave all African debt…. but of course, Africa is an extraordinarily wealthy continent, mostly untapped, and so that was a wise move on his part. African nations will soon be able to afford as much gas as Russia can produce.
“African states will be among leaders of the new multipolar world order"
- Putin at Russia-Africa 2023 summit.
I would personally be THRILLED to have the wisdom and heart of Africa leading us into the quantum future!!! Wakanda or Bust!!!
There remain many unanswered questions.
In the above video, Kiyosaki discusses the Globalist plan to consolidate / nationalize / socialize the banking system, but from the BRICS perspective, it’s a last, desperate attempt of the globalists to keep control. You literally have to CHOOSE to be a part of that system…
Since 3/4+ of the world economy is already in BRICS it will only matter to the people who DO choose the evil Globalist paradigm. (Globalist Banks have $600 Billion+ in unrealized losses…. just a tiny little bank run will bring all the cards tumbling down. Since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, banking has been a huge ponzi scheme.)
Thank GOD - Ted Cruz just introduced a bill blocking the Federal Reserve from adopting Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which IMHO is the best thing he’s ever done. Respect, Ted! CBDCs are a globalist plot to enslave all humans into the Chinese Credit Score System, and many states have created similar legislation at the state level, as well as reiterating the Constitutionality of gold and silver as legal tender, so there has been a massive push to prevent this draconian Globalist outcome.
… the global economy is synchronizing its efforts to reset patterns that will uniquely shape self-sustaining governments going forward, united by an International Digital Payment System. (CIPS, replacing SWIFT…. in place as of Monday)
The new digital payments algorithm will begin to raise the demand for currencies in some countries more than others, in order to level off values and create more equal opportunities going forward.
A fixed rate of gold, oil, and silver will minimize rate fluctuations.
This repricing event is coming. As we secure standardized prices in the digital banking system the move toward a Gold Standard will come to light along with laws that produce new protocols in the new banking system.
As of this week, we have entered into an all-digital economy backed by Gold, Silver and Oil. Venezuela leads the way, with 82% gold holdings as a percentage of currency reserves. (As much as Venezuelans, and Zimbabweans, and Iraqis, and Vietnamese have suffered at the hands of the Globalist Petro Dollar - I rejoice at their newfound wealth!!!!)
The United States will be the last player on the Globalist field, as long as Byden and his handlers remain in power. However, the minute DJT is returned to power, the game changes for us as well. We will NOT be excluded, but we will pay the price for being the enablers of Globalism.
The pain we have felt these past few years of the Byeden fake presidency was intentional - from the Scamdemic to the anti-human judicial system to the genital mutilation of our children to the siphoning of our taxpayer dollars to the Ukraine etc. This pain was intended to wake up as many people as possible to evil of Globalism. Unfortunately, it didn’t really work. The MSM mind control has been too effective, and the the Woke refuse to Awaken.
So be it.
BRICS is destroying Globalism once and for all, and that’s all that matters right now.
Those of us with eyes to see have prepared ourselves and will continue to be calm and cool and collected as the world falls to pieces around us.
We know what magnificence awaits.
There has never been a better time to Pray for Unity, and God’s Eternal Love.
In Unity,
Telegram White Lion Conversation
Telegram Free Energy Now
As always - take what resonates, leave the rest, and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!