The Physics of Now
Nassim Haramein, master of Unified Physics, pursues Einstein's quest for the Theory of Everything. He's NAILING it! And yet - he's just one of many physicists currently reshaping our reality.
As magnificent and life-altering as his discoveries are regarding harnessing the energy of the vacuum, Haramein’s work is one aspect of recent physics breakthroughs that are re-shaping how we think & act. 2022 is the year that the Nobel Prize for Physics went to a group who Proved That The Universe Isn’t Real! Yes, our world is changing very fast indeed.
One of the scientists I’ve been following for many years and whose work I am just beginning to be able to integrate, is Dan Winter who is much more than a physicist.
Dan gives of his time, knowledge & experience freely and IMHO this elevates his integrity. That, plus the fact that is mass producing the water-vortexing discoveries of Viktor Schauberger! One of Winter’s inventions expanding on Schauberger vortex physics is the Theraphi, a wildly successful regenerative healing modality now available in 25 countries. IMHO Theraphi is a prototype of Medbed technology.
Winter speaks on a huge range of subjects, including Ascension Physics aka Astral Hygeine, which informs us how to properly Ascend at death. The repercussions for not knowing this information are horrible beyond description. Yesterday I transcribed his talk on Ascension Physics, and will post it in the Free Energy NOW! Telegram group after it’s been formatted. It contains what I consider to be extremely important information.
One of his students recently figured out how to turn everyday household items into an anti-gravity free energy machine. WICKED!!!
More & more people figure out how to Transcend the Matrix every day.
The point that comes back to me over & over again from the quantum scientist-entrepreneurs I’ve studied - Dan Winter, Ken Rohla, Eileen McKusick, Mike Adams, Vladimir Zelenko (affiliate link, world famous immune-boosting protocol) - is that we have crossed the Point of No Return. Thousands of products & services are on the market, quantumly designed and promoting vitality at a greater level than we’ve ever known (despite & perhaps because of the massive attacks on our health via the food and pharmaceutical industries).
The cat is out of the bag. We don’t yet have the green light for (public) Free / Quantum Energy, however 6,000 patents have been released that will change our world dramatically in the very near future. ALL we need is the Green Light!!!
What gives me the greatest hope is that for the first time in my experience we’re allowed to talk about Free Energy without censure.
I believe 2023 will be the year when Free Energy can no longer be held back.
I’d like to share a story that illustrates how each one of us has the ability to manipulate our realities in way that is not unsimilar to Hindu Siddhi. (In the near future, we will ALL be able to walk on water, because THAT IS OUR DESTINY!)
Note: I’ve had inter-dimensional experiences since I was in my 20s. This is a switch from being a recipient of inter-dimensional energy, to controlling it.
POINT: WHAT & HOW we Think, Speak & Act shapes our reality.
The other day I had a 5 hour drive. About a half hour in, having seeing a few too many deer munching on the side of the highway, I started repeating a mantra of protection around my car. I didn’t want to hurt any animals, and I didn’t want my car damaged. At one point, I was compelled to expand the mantra to include “protection from all harm,” just in case.
Half an hour later I was in the middle of Binghamton NY, a complicated intersection of highways which I’ve traversed countless times, and have a habitual way of making my way through. On this day I deviated from my norm, driving in a different lane. Holiday traffic was in play. At one point for no apparent reason - there were no cars in front of me - I slowed down; simply reacting to instinct. The exact second I took my foot off the accelerator, a minivan cut me off from behind at 100 mph, careening from the far left lane across 2 lanes - to the almost-passed off ramp on the right, as the highway was bearing to the left. The crazed driver missed me by CENTIMETERS!
In the seconds after, I felt as though he had actually gone right through me; it was very much an inter dimensional experience. (Timeline shift.) I have avoided death like this several times in my life so I KNOW I’m here for a very specific purpose!
If I hadn’t taken my foot off the accelerator exactly when I did, I would be dead.
I saved my life and the life of the people in the minivan, with WORDS. Words thoughts & actions are the energies by which we communicate with the Universe. The more you are connected to the energy of the Universe, the more empowered you are to shape your own reality. It’s a journey of Purity of Spirit; we must become like monks and priestesses realizing the deceptive trap of materialism, rejecting it in favor of Divine Connection - the Inner life - seeking to heal our traumas, activate our inherent talents, and engage our latent superpowers which are subsumbed / negated by materialism.
We have been taught to believe that THINGS are what give us value, when in fact it is only KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE and DIVINE CONNECTION that have any value at all.
Divine Connection is a journey in which you must master the transmutation of pain and struggle. In my experience, after you’ve mastered a certain level then you have access to an expanded range of frequencies, and life begins to get better - faster! It’s almost as if time itself becomes more synchronous.
The Fifth Dimension is two octaves of frequencies higher than the Third Dimension. The lowest frequencies in the Third Dimension are the 7 Deadly Sins, and the results of trauma are what keeps people trapped in those low frequencies - addiction, violence, ego, greed, lust etc. It is necessary to transmute trauma in order to access higher frequencies, and therefore have the ability to Ascend.