It’s a glorious morning here, and I hope it’s also glorious where you are!
I first learned about Free Energy while studying what’s wrong with the world, and it rang a bell deep in my subconscious - here is something that could & should render The Economic Enslavement System obsolete.
All the inventors of the MANY different free energy systems over the course of the past 120 years have been destroyed one way or another… and it became exceedingly clear that there is a cadre, or cabal of powerful people who have been hell-bent on preventing this technology from ever seeing the light of day.
Nikola Tesla stated that humanity was not ready for his technology, and he was right - because we were completely enslaved in the materialistic matrix by the false limitation to our five senses, which allow us access to only a tiny fraction of all the information that is available in the electro-magnetic spectrum.
During the time of Tesla (late 19th / early 20th centuries), Hindu Yogis of India were traversing the world, spreading Aquarian knowledge of higher dimensions which gave birth to the New Age movement. Vivekenanda and Yogananda jumpstarted the West to higher states of consciousness, giving us access to greater percentage of the electro-magnetic spectrum. The goal of this knowledge is to ascend OUT of the material realm, into the spiritual realm - where God Almighty fully exists. Literally, they were showing us how to gain direct access to God through the Holy Spirit / Divine Matrix / Prana / Chi / Orgone etc.
Unfortunately all religions since and including Judaism have been coopted by the Cabal to keep us enslaved in the materialistic matrix. More likely, they were designed as tools of enslavement, since they depend on intermediaries between God and Man.
Materialism is a construct created by forces of Evil in the Third Dimension.
Money is its prime tool of enslavement.
Free Energy can only exist in a higher dimension, and renders money obsolete.
From Knowledgeseekers Workshop 501 - August 31, 2023
The genius of Mehrand T. Keshe is that he figured out how to circumvent the Cabal. He is ALIVE, and has been producing free energy items and teaching people how to create their own free energy devices for years. Instead of stating that his free energy tech was for citizens, he stated that it was for spaceships. This is acceptable to the Cabal. (Nassim Haramein copied this approach.) In his units, there is no need for food, water, energy or medicine - which is all provided by his GANS plasma invention.
These spaceships can travel anywhere in the world in a few moments. He says it can get to the moon in a few hours, but I don’t know how he deals with the Van Allen belt or radiation…. I haven’t heard him address that yet. It doesn’t seem to be a de-materialization project, there is physical movement.
At the core of his work is the transmutation from material to plasma/energetic. His work is based upon the motion of fields, the separation between matter & energy - magnetic fields in motion - this is the important knowledge. I’m just embarking on my study of his work so I’ll continue elucidating as I have more innerstanding.
It’s important to come to the realization that the only authority we ever need to acknowledge is God Almighty. This is absolutely vital. When we give authority to people, we are selling ourselves into slavery. All beings are inherently equal.
Keshe Medbed
When a person spends a few moments in this Universal Body Enhancement Spaceship Unit, every cell is returned to absolute balance - the state in which it was intended at the moment of conception. It “Replicates the inner structure of the universe and the balanced fields from which man was created at point of inception.” It uses Collective plasma field technology for changing and enhancing the environment of the body
So, as an example, my brother was born without a right hand because my mother had the German Measles while pregnant. He could enter into a Universal Body Enhancement Spaceship and come out with two hands - as well as healing of whatever other disintigrations life has caused his body. Keshe talks at length about how this technology has healed people of all forms of “incurable” diseases - physical, mental and spiritual.
Keshe has been producing and distributing these units for over a year. Some people say that Medbed centers are equipped and ready to open all over the world, waiting for that magical moment when the False Matrix is revealed and destroyed. I can only assume that his event on 11/11/23 in London will be that moment, but it may happen before then.
Keshe’s Magrev technology allows us to transcend/transmute our bodies, and become pure energy/spirit, if we so desire. This is, according to some doctrines, the ultimate goal of the incarnation of life, in which we have to continually learn lessons - fall, get up, fall, get back up, over and over and over again until we learn that we are One with God Almighty. So, with this technology we are able to learn that lesson in one second, and ascend. Sounds good to me!!!
In this Teaching, Keshe talks a little bit about why he has chosen to work with the Chinese (which I find disconcerting). Overall he talks about how in the energetic form, we have access to all information - including all cultural idiosyncracies, and he thinks that the Chinese are the most inclusive. Now, from my experiences with Chinese Communists, this is not true AT ALL - it is a purely competitive society. However, if you eliminate Communism, then you have this society that survived for thousands of years, perhaps because of the inclusiveness that he is referring to. He uses the example that the Chinese eat with a particular form of chop stick that foster the ability to eat from a common dish, whereas other Asian cultures eat from personal dishes with chopsticks designed for that use.
I have to say that from my perspective, this is a weak argument as to why he has sided with the Chinese. But, at the same time I know that there is a faction of Chinese who are dedicated to the integrity of the Old Ways, and who are dedicated to bringing that sensibility to the rest of the world. We probably won’t have a choice, if we choose to stay in the Third Dimension.
I’ll be paying attention to this aspect of his work, as I study more teachings.
NOTE: Keshe Technology has been adopted by BRICS Coalition! THIS is very exciting!!! India’s trip to the moon last week used Keshe Tech!!! (The image was a joke)
I’m going through the Knowledgeseekers videos to find out where the flaws and discrepancies lie. Obviously, I’ve just scraped the surface, but it seems - and I sincerely hope - that I’ve found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
All of the negativity and fear-mongering that is plastered over all news / social media is meant to distract us from THIS DISCLOSURE!!!
I hope you’ll do your own research, to help me determine the sincerity and integrity of this information.
November 11, 2023: MT Keshe to present his inventions and innovations to the world in a London press conference.
In Unity,
Telegram White Lion Conversation
Telegram Free Energy Now
David Icke: The Dream: The Extraordinary Revelation of Who We Are and Where We Are
Martin Geddes: Tools of Enslavement