In my research over the past several years I’ve been plugged in to countless different themes, and it has become crystal clear to me that ultimately, it’s all connected; sometimes by threads, sometimes by ropes. Recently, feeling a bit like John Nash of A Beautiful Mind, I began to find connections to the past and future - interdimensionally - and it got so complicated that I had to step back and reset.
The reset is vitally important, for Divine communication flows best through a clean, empty and willing mind, and Divine communication is far more important than the chaotic chatter of politics, economics, health etc.
In the third dimension (as defined by our five senses), there is absolutely a war going on for our minds, bodies and souls, and it’s as if the most bizarre science fiction novel is playing out in which Evil is SOOOO EVIL and the the good guys are such UNDERDOGS. The more you pay attention to the chaotic chatter, the more uncertain you become about what is true, what is intentinal disinfo, and what is blatantly false.
William Casey, former director of the CIA, is famous for saying -
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
I believe we may have reached that point, but there IS a solution.
I first heard about Agenda 21/30 in 1986. One of the interesting factoids you learn in the journey down the rabbit hole is that the Cabal follows an immutable law of the universe in which they must TELL those who they intend to conquer, HOW they are to be conquered. (Isn’t it nice that they follow the rules of engagement?) One of the very interesting and powerful pieces of information I have dug out, is that Hollywood is not really an entertainment industry at all; it is an intentionally well-designed propaganda industry.
And, as much as I love books, I arrived at the point of realizing that most of the authors who have reached a large audience are, one way or another, in league with the Cabal; often telling us through the guise of fiction / science fiction what’s going to happen to us, or giving us visions of the future one way or another. Sometimes, authors such as Orwell and Huxley, were 33rd Degree Freemasons, privy to many secrets about the future of humanity.
So many people in the public eye - celebrities - are Freemasons, which along with many other secret organizations (equally notorious, Skull & Bones out of Yale) have been used to manipulate & blackmail people, and to shape society, for longer than we can imagine. George Washington was a 33rd Degree Freemason, as was Ben Franklin and probably all presidents.
Blackmailing people who are trying to make their way up the ladder, chasing the American Dream, is like fishing in a bucket. Hungry and ambitious people are ripe for the picking.
Aside from secret societies, there are many tools the Evil Ones use to promote their enslaving ideology - first and foremost the media, but also the education system, the medical system, and basically every system in our world. There has been a measurable ramping up of the cultural enslavement ideology since the 1960s.
One of the things that infuriates me is how they have used racism, and the horror of slavery, to manipulate the public mind. I have only humility and compassion for the evil enslavement of Africans who were taken to the Americas and enslaved for centuries; I cannot begin to imagine the horror of it.
That being said, as a society we all need to come to the common understanding that slavery is hard-wired into our society… it is ancient & continuous, and the truth is that there are more slaves today than there have ever been in the history of humanity. African American enslavement was just one chapter of that age-old story. We hear almost nothing about the 8 million+ children who go missing every year, the vast majority who are never seen again, and as a society we ignore the horrors of people like Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell because … THE MEDIA.
I believe that once we can help people to see beyond these manipulations, it will help humanity to wake up from this induced coma, hopefully before it’s too late
FACT: In the moment when we are able to rise above the trauma of our personal experience to recognize that others have experienced the very same horrors, it’s instant healing. We are no longer alone in our suffering, and very often when we reach out to help others, this speeds up our own healing process.
Instead of writhing in our pain, we can opt to step out of it, into higher frequencies. The Evil ones WANT us in pain, and anger, and jealousy, and greed - the 7 Deadly Sins - because we are easily controllable; it makes us very easy to manipulate. When we are healed and have reached the frequency of Love, then we are out of their realm, completely. They cannot tolerate Love or Joy; it’s like Water to the Wicked Witch of the West.
The manipulations of society are vast. What is the end goal? That is a difficult conversation because IMHO it involves certain things that most people are not yet ready to face, and discussing it can be counter productive, and so I won’t go in to at this time.
That being said, what I truly believe through my experience is that the more we step into love, empowerment, community and joy - the more we step into our Divine connection - the less any of this matters, and THAT is the most important point.
The Third Dimension is defined by what we experience with our five senses. The Fifth Dimension is defined by our Divine connection. The Evil Ones can only control you when you haven’t yet activated your Divine connection, and so I’m here to help you on that journey.
We are Eternal Spirits Having a Human Experience
- David Icke
You can take control of your personal frequency very quickly with the following actions:
be in gratitude daily
eat more fresh, local, organic food, stop eating junk
resolve your addictions
purify & structure your water (I’ll post about this soon)
get lots of sunshine
walk barefoot on the Earth
engage in random acts of kindness
practice self-care
laugh every day
find someone to share your love with (could be an animal!)
Thanks for spending time reading my words! I send you love through the ether and pray that our world elevates out of the chaos, and soon!
My newsfeed is White Lion Conversation on Telegram and also Free Energy Now!