This Sacha Stone presentation is Disclosure of the highest order.
With erudition and perfect research, he delves deeply into many of the subjects that I have touched upon in this blog, including but not limited to the Banking cartel, free energy, Tartaria, Khazarians, enslavement, liberation, and so much more.
I have said in the past that Sacha is controlled opposition.
Similar to Michael Tellinger, he comes from a wealthy family in southern Africa, and was in the music industry in the 1990s. Later, he worked for the United Nations… so those are all points of contention in my book, reasons to take a deeper look. He combs through these points in this presentation, and so I back off my blatant distrust of him. In this paradigm of not knowing where truth lies, everyone is guilty until proven innocent…..
Fact is, it takes a huge machine for ANYONE to gain a significant following, and so I’m always asking myself - how do these people gain such rapid entrance onto the international stage? (and that includes people like Charlie Ward, Nick Veniamin, Kirsten W, Michael Jaco, Mel K, Nino etc.) Where does their marketing money come from? Who is supporting them? I have never found the answer these questions.
What it comes down to for me, is that there is a tremendous amount of what I know to be the truth in Sacha’s presentation, peeling back the layers of Globalist deception, for which I am grateful and respectful. The name Sacha Stone is Jewish - and so, here is a Jewish person speaking truth about the Khazarians. That fact alone, is admirable.
I first began to realize that I might be wrong about Sacha when he interviewed Dan Winter recently, who I consider to be one of the greatest minds of our time. If Sacha is pulling from that particular pool of wisdom, then he can’t be all bad. In fact, he is pulling from ALL of the greatest wisdom of this time and previous times.
I urge you to watch the video above if you’re at all interested in Disclosure. Soon, it won’t be an option.
Across the board, the message I’m getting is that Empathy & Compassion are absolutely vital for accessing the best possible future. I often rail out against the mind-controlled sheeple - while at the same time, fully acknowledging that they are in desperate need of Empathy & Compassion, despite their self-righteous ignorance that has led us to the precipice of Totalitarian Communism.
Forgiveness is paramount.
In Unity,
Telegram White Lion Conversation
Telegram Free Energy Now
As always - take what resonates, leave the rest, and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!
I don't trust some of Patriot Streetfighter's guests. Therefore I discount whatever he has to say. You know, if you lie down with dogs...