I have heard many people say that Evil has been expelled from the planet.
It’s a nice thought!
But the truth is, most people in the Western world have absolutely no idea how incredibly evil people can be, and have been all throughout history. They are wretchedly clueless - if not entrenched in - the diabolical underbelly of so-called civilization.
Trump - or his clone, or his body double, or his actor, or whoever/whatever - has announced the Quantum Leap initiative bringing us into the quantum future. I have been waiting for this for a long, long time, and yet I am not sold that despite the glorious words of his closing in Waco, TX last night -
"We will totally obliterate the deep state, we will banish the war mongers from our government, we will drive out the globalist and we will cast out the communists & marxists. We will throw off the corrupt political class, we will beat the Demo(n)crats, we will route the fake news media, we will stand up to the Rhinos, we will defeat Joe Biden and every single Demo(n)crat. We will liberate America from these villains and tyrants who are looking to destroy our country. No matter what they throw at us, no matter what they do to us, we will not bend, we will not break we will not yield. We will never give in we will never give up we will never ever back down. We will complete the mission, we will cross the finish line, we will demolish tyranny and we will rescue freedom liberty and justice, and we will restore the American Republic to all of it's greatness and glory, and greater than ever before. My fellow citizens, this incredible journey we are on together has only just begun, we are one movement, one people, one family and one Nation under God."
- we are actually entering a time of human empowerment. The fact that we don’t know if that’s Trump, or some representation of him, is disturbing enough. There’s not a chance in Heaven or Hell that the real Trump - if he’s still alive - would place himself in that kind of danger! (Some people say he died in a helicopter assassination many years ago, or prostate cancer, etc.)
So, we really have absolutely no clue what’s real any more, and this is the basis for my hesitation at believing his promise that we’re entering into a glorious Quantum Leap, achieving human liberation.
My discovery this week that the BRICS bank is a tool of the World Economic Forum destroyed all of my hopes for the positive economic reset. Yes, the banks are all being brought down, but whose strategy is it? We’re told the White Hats have used the switch to the asset-backed economy to destroy the Cabal banking system - but the asset backed economy is BRICS! It’s just another Cabal system!
BTW… That’s Not Putin!!! It’s yet another clone, or body double, or actor, or whatever. Who is controlling these doubles? I have NO idea. But it’s a very important question.
So, yes, it’s impossible to know what’s real. I find there’s only one thing left to do, and that is to commune with God - and even THAT is contestible. In many cases, what we have been led to believe is God, is actually gods with a little g…. the Annunaki brothers, Enlil and Enki, aka the Nephilim. Which is why it’s important to specify - God Almighty - the Prime Creator - the Source of All.
In 1981, then-CIA Director William Casey said, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" and it seems they have accomplished that directive. We don’t know if people are real, we don’t know if food is real, we don’t know if history is real, we don’t know if ANYTHING is real. Especially with the rise of Artificial Intelligence!
But - I know God Almighty is real, and ultimately, that matters. I know that I am a facet of Christ, and that matters. The gift of this knowledge is what will carry me through the tumultuous imminent future.
April 1, the New Era begins.
Over the course of the next few months, everyone, beginning in America and spreading around the world, will have to go in to some kind of a center to set up their new financial account on the Quantum Financial System (QFS). This will require the capturing of our unique biometric signatures, which become our permanent and ultimately secure identifier. I don’t know about you - but this, to me signifies the ultimate enslavement. Apparently we will not have a choice in the matter; if you don’t go to your appointment, they will come and get you. There is no escaping this new system, which is controlled via Starlink. At those appointments we will receive new quantum phones and computers which will be necessary to access our account on the QFS. Everyone will be tracked at all times. Every unit of the new currency will be tracked at all times. All conversations will be recorded at all times. All purchases and transactions will be tracked at all times.
This is the future that I have tried so very hard to prevent… but the Evil Ones mastered the art of psychological manipulation long ago, and have used it over the course of generations to manipulate beliefs.
Ultimately, the way that I know that we are not going into the positive future, is because Trump and his cronies all continue to talk about Gas & Oil as the primary sources of energy, when Free Energy is available to us in a million different ways. The conversation should have shifted to Free energy LONG AGO. This one subject alone would have brought down the Deep State.
So…. my last hope is that in the first stage of this shift to the New World, they disclose Free Energy and hand out Free Energy and quantum healing devices at our appointments. I will hold out for that possibility, and not lose complete hope until that moment.
But, since the chemical disasters have not abated, on the Globalist march to Agenda 30, and nobody speaks of Free Energy, and medbeds have not been announced…. my hope is dulled, and my time spent in communion with God Almighty is increased, knowing that the possibility of miracles still exists.
God Bless You All!
In Unity,
Telegram White Lion Conversation
Telegram Free Energy Now
As always - take what resonates, leave the rest, and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!
This was just reported on TS by a credible anon. What do you know of "stablecoins"?
"Stablecoin regulation draft bill published ahead of hearing.
The measure would require stablecoin issuers to have reserves that back the digital assets on an (at least one-to-one basis).”
This draft does not have a number to follow it through the legislative process yet. It just goes to show us how quickly they are moving on this digital asset.
The number of people buying stablecoins at the present time is beginning to affect the dollar."
Meg, you had a bad day when you wrote this. We all have those days. I must remind you of two realities you surely are aware of.
Donald Trump has stated more than once that he will NOT signal our enemies what his military will do.
Also, the disinfo war plays out on both sides. Who will we believe? God or God's enemies?The BRICS countries do have a pact with the US military whitehats (and CIC Trump). However, in order to keep law and order of some semblance in their respective nations they - like us - put out a soothing message to their brain-dead sheeple. The BRICS "bank" is a ghost.