Many of us have been vehemently persecuted these past few years for holding our ground against the evil plot to destroy humanity.
I have sat in countless circles, listening to people tell their very sad and sometimes horrifying tales of betrayal…. and with every tale, another hole is torn in my heart. This has been going on all over the world, for years now. I have my own tales, and have lost friends and family who were once very important in my life.
Like many people, I grew up at a dinner table full of people who swore they would never become the Good Germans; all of whom became Globalists. What they didn’t realize is that it’s the good citizens - the law abiders - the do-gooders, who ultimately enable evil because the SYSTEM is rotten. What they also didn’t realize is that it was the people they admired the most, who were leading the way to annihilation. Cult of Personality, indeed!
It still amazes me how a human can be so incredibly duplicitous, as some of the people I’ve known!
And yet, in learning this very important truth, I have learned to Be Love in the face of that evil duplicity. I have learned to have compassion for people who are stuck in Samsara, but striving to escape. And, even for those who are simply stuck.
During this time, I have acted as a wayshower for some who are alone, but striving - available day and night for distress calls, in which I listen, soothe, and guide in quantum principles. What a gift to be able to be that rock for others!
I have finally grown strong enough to avoid being pulled down by the low frequencies of others, and this is the accomplishment that I most cherish, most desired, and realize is a primary goal of Ascension.
So many people around the world have exhibited extraordinary vision, strength and action in this time; these are the leaders of New Earth - teaching all forms of sovereignty from growing food, to bartering, to quantum sciences, to all kinds of life skills outside the financial construct. I believe that this foundation of visionaries has become strong enough to support The Deceived, as they are now shocked into awareness of the evil they have enabled in their propagandized stupor.
The world is going to the Gold Standard.
There is evidence that the evil that enacted the fiat financial system, with all its destruction, has been defeated. Without this evil influence, we will grow and flourish like blossoms on the first warm spring days. Our Divinity will take precedence.
Last summer when I went with my son to college orientation, I met a man from Sudan. We had a fabulous conversation over lunch, in which I told him that Zimbabwe was just about to start issuing gold coins. Sudan, like Zimbabwe, has been one of the most oppressed countries in the world, and yet - one of the wealthiest in resources. This is true for most African countries. He was wide-eyed at the idea that he might be able to return to his beloved home…. that there might possibly be an end to the life-killing oppression that has driven so many away.
The gold standard means that African nations will rise in status - dramatically. Wakanda is not just fiction! Vibranium is real! I truly rejoice that Africans will finally be freed from tyrannical oppression, and I very much look forward to the riotous, joyous celebrations upon that freedom!!! I will be spending A LOT of time in Africa!!
Americans have an unpayable karmic debt.
We have benefited greatly from the evil that oppressed the world, and our collective ego must be tempered. There are a lot of people pumping the US at this time, saying that we are the beacon of freedom, but really that is no longer true. The French and the Dutch deserve that honor. Americans have relinquished the title of defenders of freedom in regards to getting off our asses to fight the Evil Muthas.
But - as the evil deception falls away, we all win. We will all have access to unlimited wealth, until the very concept of money disappears forever. Poverty and trauma will be the lessons we teach our future generations, to make sure that evil never gets a grip on this planet again. Children will be cherished, and raised knowing that they are a droplet of Divine Perfection. Love will be the prevailing emotion.
We will know what life is like without the overlaying deception of Evil!
Every one of us will rise as the Christed beings we have always been!
Thank you, God Almighty!!
In Unity,
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