I’ve recently been censored on three different Telegram channels for asking intelligent questions from the depth of my experience in the banking world, technology and alternative currencies. What are they so afraid of, I wonder, that instead of opening a dialog they shut me up?
Well, this censorship reveals that they are Deep State Agents, corralling humanity toward the ultimate enslavement system with smiles, fake love and promises of great wealth, doing whatever they can to CONTINUE to get us to forget God Almighty and focus on the material world.
Plus, it has just come out that Telegram has been collaborating with governments all along. Is the idea of Freedom of Speech truly dead???? Perhaps. Is anything we are seeing or hearing real? Prolly not.
My overarching quest is the answer to this question: Is Trump Brand saving humanity? or is it the pied piper of doom?
I don’t know, none of us do. And quite honestly, none of us really has a say in the matter. But I do know that Israel/Zionism is Trump Brand’s obvious priority, and by extension the secretive, extra-American Hasidic cult - both of which are prime players in all forms of trafficking, as prescribed by their holy book, the Talmud.
In order to get the full picture of what’s happening in our world, one must be able to employ discernment, and use experience to connect the dots. That’s what my unique life allows me to do.
I have no fear of retribution for being vocal, I stand in the Grace of God Almighty and am doing His work.
Following are some of the questions I’ve been asking. I forget what got me censored on Tironionae’s channel, it was weeks ago, but a similar probing question that was never addressed, just censored.
→ Unless we have self-custody of our funds, we’re enslaved.
The QFS does NOT permit self-custody, which was the primary reason people flocked to crypto currencies in the first place - FREEDOM and PRIVACY. (Nevermind that BTC has been used just as much as dollars for evil deeds! There is nothing pure about money, period - it has always been a Satanic Babylonian construct!!)
This is the point that censored me in Goldilocks’ room - they don’t want anyone to realize this ugly facts about their shiny new QFS, birthed/berthed in the Port System of Maritime Law.
The banking system only “improved” security and speed for its own purposes. They are using Orwellian Double-speak and endless Hopium to sugar coat it and make it sweet for the masses to consume, and be poisoned. The banking system has distilled itself down to just a few megabanks. Only the super-wealthy will have access; everyone else will be locked out and forced into abject slavery.
→ Dark MAGA is a specific name for the highest Dark Wizard of the Illuminati.
I brought this up on Captain Kyle’s channel last night after the rally, and was immediately censored. They addressed the issue by promoting some BS article from 2022, no doubt planted for just this moment.
Oh, Captain Kyle - you really did play the part well!!! You and your junk in the truck.
Elon Musk comes from a deep Cabal family. His mother is a Satanic High Priestess, and his ex girlfriend Grimes, mother of one of his children, is obviously involved at some level of Satanism as well. Now, stories are coming out about how Elon was involved in Satanic Ritual Abuse as a child - proving my point.
Elon has a transgender child. He makes a big fuss about how much he hates it, but BY GOD he created a school for all his children!!! They’re INSULATED from the greater world!!! He doesn’t even let them watch TV!!! Do you think for one second he would tolerate transgenderism, if he did not in fact desire it???
Transgenderism is a sacrifice to whatever aspect of Satan they desire something from, no different from child sacrifice or Satanic Ritual Abuse. Perhaps, it was to become the Dark MAGA/Magii.
Why is Elon given such supreme command of global technology? Does anyone believe he’s the only person capable of doing all this work? Well, fundamentally he’s creating the prison they want us to live in, while convincing us it’s in our best interest. Unfortunately, people buy it hook, line & sinker, especially when Trump Brand promotes it.
No thanks!
→ One must have $1,000,000 in the bank to take part in Trump Brand’s “economic equality” platform.
I haven’t been censored for this one yet, but the exceptional hypocrasy demands it be called out. To take part in Trump Brand’s much-hyped launch of World Liberty Financial, one must be an Accredited Investor, and that requires great wealth.
Not surprisingly, the pay-to-play for Trump Brand’s endorsement, also costs $1,000,000. That kind of limits the playing field, doesn’t it.
I’m gonna stop there for now, and come back later to add more hypocrasies.
Our reality is deeply disturbing on MANY levels. BUT - that doesn’t mean there’s not good, for there certainly is! Witnessing the courage of Americans helping out in North Carolina as the literal rebirth of the American Spirit is GLORIOUS!!! It gives me and so many others TREMENDOUS hope!!! I WISH I COULD BE THERE!!
Listening to Bobby Kennedy torch all the rancid, fraudulent industries is MAGNIFICENT!!!
And, I gain great inspiration and BLISS from the ongoing revelations of Quantum Physics and Consciousness, which lead the way to the post-material reality where evil cannot exist!!!
So - My intention is not to drum up more fear, but to help people use discernment about all things in these chaotic days. What might seem negative, could be positive, and vice versa. We won’t know, until all the chips have fallen.
I sincerely hope Trump Brand proves me wrong!!!!
I LIKE it when I’m proven wrong, unlike most people.
Thanks for stopping by!!!
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In Unity,
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