A very important difference between the emerging factions of humanity is a comprehension, or lack thereof, of the profound evil that exists in this world.
I have traveled through my life with an attitude of looking for the good in people, and allowing for it even when it’s not evident, but as I have grown older I have realized that there are people who have no good in them at ALL. Unfortunately, these purely evil people have the capacity - and the desire - to destroy the rest of us, and they’ve been at it for a long, long time.
I am not here to re-tell the story, you can get it through the resource links at the end of this post, I recommend beginning with the article on Veterans Today. Instead, I am giving a primer on a certain group that has secretly invaded humanity and has been attempting to exterminate all of us who are Other / Goy / Cattle.
To begin with - the Khazarian sigil is the exact same as the Ukrainian crest. It is also also the sigil for Moloch - one iteration of Satan who specifically requires child sacrifice. This important relationship should not be overlooked.
As you can see from the maps below, the Khazarian Empire was just about the same as the land mass of modern Ukraine - butting up against Russia to the east, and Eastern Europe to the west, situated on the north shore of the Black Sea. Ironically (or NOT ironically, depending on how you comprehend the situation) this land mass is currently Ground Zero for World War 3.
Ukraine is infinitely more important than we have been led to believe.
The Khazarian empire peaked around 1000 AD. Satanists, they were infamous for kidnapping, torturing, killing and eating children, assassinating travelers and stealing their identities (it’s on the Silk Road), and in general leading a godless, violent, extremely depraved existence to the chagrin of their neighbors. Eventually, the emergingRussian civilization demanded that they adopt any of the Abrahamic religions or be annihilated - and they chose Judaism. They are not Hebraic (or Semitic) people. The original faction are known as Ashkenazi Jews.
However, they are more than Ashkenazi Jews. The Khazarians became experts at infiltrating organizations. For instance, they infiltrated the Catholic Church and created the Jesuit order. Adopting religion taught them that power and money are concentrated in religion, and they learned how to exploit it. Being fundamentally Satanists, they have no loyalty whatsoever to any one religion. They are Jews, they are Christians, they are Muslims, they are B’hai, they are Mormon…. they co-opted religion to accomplish their long-term goal of world domination, and extermination of Others.
Central Banks
Eventually the Khazarians figured out how to monopolize the European financial system. The Khazarian family of Rothchild not only invented the concept of Centralized Banking, but captured the British crown through the debt & blackmail of Queen Victoria’s family (every generation of the British Royal family from Victoria are Saxe-Coburg-Gothe, a Nazi (as in Ashkenazi) aristocracy of Bavaria - an interesting rabbit hole to explore).
FACT: The Khazarians mastered the strategy of Debt & Blackmail.
Debt & blackmail became their primary strategy to indenture people and organizations. This strategy has allowed them to capture positions of power all over the world and infiltrate almost every government and corporation. They also harness the knowledge of psychiatry to manipulate the public; Edward Bernays (Freud’s nephew) is a prime example of a Khazarian who implemented mass mind control via the advertising industry.
Visible examples of Khazarians are Rockefeller, Morgan, Warburg, Bush, Fauci, Clinton, Kissinger, Soros, Schwab, Vanderbilt, Hershey, Ford, Biden etc. There are many intricate power layers, and the Satanic Khazarians are now operating openly - such as Diddy, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Chelsea Clinton etc. etc. etc.

Alter Egos
The Khazarians are also known as the Cabal, the Illuminati, Zionists, Bolsheviks, the Deep State and probably 10 other names. As “Name Stealers” they are slippery eels that make it their goal to not be pinned down by any one identity.
Jeffrey Epstein
Epstein, Khazarian poster boy, played many roles but the one he is most famous for is trafficking children for the purpose of pedophilia and ritual sacrifice at Epstein Island. However this is just a part of the story. Perhaps the more important hidden purpose of his operation was capturing video of people in the act of pedophilia - blackmail material, which turned those people into assets/slaves for the Khazarian Mafia. (Corey Booker comes to mind.)
Who are these compromised people? Businessmen, politicians, entertainers, bankers, priests, etc. People you have been taught to respect and look up to.
Diddy was on par to Epstein, and we’re about to learn more about how Clive Davis was the mastermind of this enterprise.
The senior royal of England is the top of the pyramid of Freemasonry, which is a Khazarian construct. It is an ensnarement trap, at the outset promising young people a way to get ahead in the world, however any advancement comes at unbelievable personal cost - in fact, it costs a person his freedom, integrity and connection with God. Much has been written on Freemasonry, so I’m going to leave it here and encourage you to do your own research.
Albert Pike infused Freemasonry with Satanism.
Khazarian Industries
It is safe to say that the entire medical complex - including educational facilities, pharmaceutical firms, hospitals, insurance companies etc have all been absorbed by the Khazarians, with the exception of anyone who is practicing holistic and/or quantum medicine. I come from many generations of physicians, and my grandfather warned my generation, “Don’t go into medicine, it is not longer about curing, is is about prescribing.” That was back in 1980, upon his retirement.
In addition, the energy industry is Khazarian, as it is 100% irrelevant with all the information we have about Free Energy.
The entire education system has been coopted, social services has been coopted, libraries have been coopted, the arts have been coopted and of course the banking industry has LONG been captured…. and so on & so on & so on.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is a Khazarian construct, implemented in the early 20th century after the Khazarians forced through the Federal Reserve Act (neither Federal, nor a Reserve - yet another Khazarian construct). The point of the ADL is to lump all Jews together and pretend that Khazarians don’t exist, and paint all anti-Jew rhetoric as terrorism.
Hasidic Jews
I have spent many years living close to the Hasids, I have tremendous experience with them. They are perhaps the most fundamental Khazarians - Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe (think Fiddler on the Roof.) They are an incredibly insular group of people who take advantage of the American system to the extreme. They have their own police force, their own healthcare system, their own education system, and are not beholden to our laws at all. They are all on welfare, even though the men are in large part involved in the diamond business and deal in cash - they are NOT poor. Every husband is a rabbi, each house / apartment is a religious organization, they do not pay taxes.
Note: Blood diamonds are the compressed ashes of ritually sacrificed children.
Hasids have as many children as possible, and so their growth rate is completely out of proportion with everyone else. Their exponentially growing numbers are taking over all of Southern NY and Northern NJ.
They are Talmudic Jews. The Talmud is the Hebrew Book of Laws which - among many other things - teaches that anyone who worships idols is chattle, and can be treated as such. They can rape and kill non-Ashkenazi Jews with impunity. In fact, rape, kill us, and turn our bones into blood diamonds, grind our meat into hamburgers and serve us at McDonald’s and other venues. Yes, you need to go down that rabbit hole.
I just listened to a few minutes of A TALK on the Influence of the Jewish Lobby.
There is a particular manuscript that lays out the multi-millenial agenda of the Khazarians; Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The genocidal agenda of this manuscript was confirmed by a Hasid scholar I met at a laundromat last summer. I was able to broach conversation with him by bringing up Dr. Zev Zelenko (affiliate link for his fantastic immune boosting, anti-COVID protocol), an orthodox Jew who served the Hasidic community of Kyrias Joel in Monroe NY, who - as it turns out - was this man’s doctor growing up. It was an extremely enlightening conversation.
Although much of Khazarian history is shrouded in mystery,
there is a tremendous amount of information that has come to the surface in the past few years. I encourage you to spend time researching it to find truth for yourself. The list below is a starting point for anyone who is interested in learning more.
Fundamentally, the Ukranian War is not about a Russian threat. Russia is protecting itself from the Khazarians, who had been developing anti-Slavic bioweapons, and from NATO, who are using the Ukraine as proxy to start WWIII.
I am compelled to state here that I am absolutely not anti-Jew - in fact I have found much brilliance, beauty and value in the Jewish faith, and cherish my Jewish friends. What I’m writing about here is that we need to change the way we speak - literally, change our word choices.
There are Jews, and there are Khazarians. The distinction MUST be made.
Below is a sampling of relevant research & information, mostly from Free Speech platforms but not exclusively, because I find it interesting to see what Censored platforms (ie, Wikipedia) are saying as well:
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia - Preston James & Mike Harris (article with over 100 million views)*
Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia - Sarah Westall, interviewing Mike Harris (video, discussing the article)*
History of the Khazar Empire - Jack Otto*
Fall of the Cabal - Janet Osebaard*
Hidden History of the Khazar Kingdom - Gene Decode
The World vs. the Khazarian Mafia - SGT Report with Jim Willie
The Khazarians Part 1 - Clif High & Lee Merritt
The Khazarians Part 2 - Clif High & Lee Merritt
The Khazarians Part 3 - Clif High & Lee Merritt
Khazarian History - Clif High
Fighting the Khazarian Mafia - Ricardo Bosi
The Jews of Khazaria - Kevin Alan Brook (book)
Khazars - Wikipedia
In Unity,
Telegram White Lion Conversation
Telegram Free Energy Now
As always - take what resonates, leave the rest, and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!
Very good article and information.