My eyes are squinty and my booty is big because I’ve spent 30 years researching, day in day out, to help avert the worst case scenario of the digital enslavement system. Zero apologies! So many people are so quick to judge…. and I’ve stopped caring. Judge away, I’m immune. The information that fills this big beautiful brain is beyond what most people can even BEGIN to imagine. And, the big beautiful result of all of those decades of researching is that I’ve identified the FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEM, and I’ve also found the SOLUTION - for EVERYONE!!
My goal has never been money, power, status or bragging rights. In fact, I have stayed out of the Matrix as much as humanly possible, in order to preserve my personal sovereignty. Instead, my goal has been to find the path forward for EVERYONE to escape the Satanic Digital Enslavement System which is Indescribable Evil, of which most people are blindingly ignorant.
I’m not the hero, that honor is reserved for the quantum physicists who did the hard work! I’m merely the messenger, a visionary who realized the possibility of Free Energy, specifically Zero Point Energy, and paid attention to the progress.
Ultimately, as with everything the disclosure of Zero Point Energy (ZPE) is a GIFT from GOD ALMIGHTY!!! And the timing is PERFECT.
Whatever else may be true, Zero Point Energy is now a reality.
The cat is out of the bag, you can’t put the genie back on the bottle - this is how GOD WINS the war against Satan and we enter the Best Possible Future for All.
Free Energy is a universal term for the wide array of infinite, over-unity & freely available energy.
The terminology is a play on words - we’re not just entering an era in which we recognize that energy is as abundant as air, we’re also in the process of FREEING many discoveries that were suppressed for ages. Therefore, the word FREE is either an adjective or a verb, depending on how you use it. It doesn’t mean that energy will be free, but, it will cost a FRACTION of what we now pay, that much is assured.
There are MANY forms of Free Energy. I’ve compiled a list to help people grasp the enormity of what has been kept from us as a way to keep humanity in a perpetual state of servitude and ignorance.
The knowledge of what’s possible in the realm of Free Energy is ever-expanding, but the breakthrough in accessing Zero Point Energy is more powerful than all the others combined; it is considered the prime energy of the Universe. I’ll share this extraordinary conversation again in the hopes that you’ll take the time to listen. I sped it up to 1.25x and it works great, maybe you can even go to 1.5x, unless you have the time and inclination to sit and listen for almost 3 hours!!!
Nassim Haramein and many other quantum physicists have been working on this issue for DECADES. The result of this extraordinary breakthrough will enable a radical change in our world, elevating the quality of life by orders of magnitude.
These are the last days of the Slave Matrix!
Poverty, illness, trauma, aging - these are relics of the old world. The very concept of MONEY will evolve to something completely new and unknown. Money, healthcare, energy, transportation, education - every aspect of our society will be transformed. What awaits us in the ZPE future is beyond imagination!!!
Replicators, Medbeds, flying cars - these are the tip of the iceberg. Our children, and all future generations, will be full citizens of the entire Universe, not just the World! “We can travel to Jupiter for lunch,” Nassim says. Where else can we go, I wonder???
By this time next year, we’ll be well on our way toward that glorious future. There is obviously still a tremendous amount of evil swamp we need to overcome, but as we defeat the Satanic forces, little by little, the way forward into the Free Energy Future becomes more clear and focused.
The MOST important thing about the ZPE revelation, is that Nassim is alive to tell it!
This most likely means that there has been a seismic shift in the scientific community away from Rockefellerian scientism, back to the scientific method, that allows for this the disclosure. Countless scientists, engineers and researchers have been killed or silenced in the past century for trying to bring their non-fossil fuel inventions or discoveries to public awareness. Most recently Max Chikumbutso, featured in the movie Thrive II, was poisoned.
Mehrand Keshe announced similar findings last year, but he sold his enterprise to the Chinese. Somehow, he lived to tell his tale.
Stephen Greer is the government-appointed Free Energy Czar, who controls what does and doesn’t get publicized.
ZPE is so powerful that it requires a certain level of Consciousness on Earth. This discovery, in the wrong hands, could destroy the entire universe! So, the disclosure ALSO means that to some extent Evil has been contained, and that fact alone is well worth celebrating!!!
The Evil Ones are Evil Beyond Imagination.
ZPE is GOOD beyond imagination!!!
We must thank God Almighty for helping us and guiding us to escape the horrific reality that was awaiting us!!!
I look forward to un-squintified eyes and a well honed booty!
I’m already working on it, with all the time I now have at my disposal! But I could use a few new knees….
Thanks for stopping by!!!
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