Julian Assange was jailed and tortured for 14 long years for giving whistleblowers and journalists a safe, secure & private pathway to present their important findings against the Deep State. The fact that he strictly followed all international laws was meaningless. The fact that he’s alive to tell his story, unlike so many investigative journalists who did similar work, is astounding.
Donald Trump, who at this point is the most popular human ever to live, promises over & over & over again to destroy the Deep State and Make America Great Again. I was at a rally recently and I can attest that the incredible energy created by these HUGE crowds should be harnessed. (In fact, there’s no doubt in my mind it absolutely IS harnessed as loosh.)
So, one must ask why Trump was so ridiculously ignorant/naive of the Deep State that he appointed Bill Barr and Mike Pompeo to prime roles in his administration. These men are the Deepest Ghouls of the political Deep State, and collaborated to bring down Assange during Trump’s presidency.
Why was that allowed to happen??? And why was Assange, who had done such extraordinary work to protect freedom of speech, sacrificed by those who were supposedly fighting so hard for freedom???? Trump could have / should have issued a pardon, and he did not.
It’s the unanswerable, unaccountable questions like this that force a person to dig deeper.
Trump and now Bobby Kennedy are saying things that most of us are desperate to hear, and we LOVE it when we hear it. Make America Healthy Again! Make America Strong Again! Make America Great Again! Wonderful words, so hopeful and optimistic!! These words create UNITY where nothing else can.
BUT. No matter how many times they say the magic words, this country and the world descends deeper & deeper into chaos, further & further away from Greatness. It’s almost as if there’s an inverse relationship between Trump’s popularity and the chaos of the world. And always, we’re told, “Soon! Our salvation will come like a thief in the night! TRUST THE PLAN!!!” They’ve been saying it now for half a generation!!!
But I’ll tell you what HAS arrived as the singular goal: the Digital Financial System. While we’ve been waiting so patiently for salvation, they have built the world’s greatest AI Trojan Horse which assures that there is absolutely NO ESCAPE from the depths of the impending Deep State enslavement.
The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is one version of the financial enslavement system, and Trumps World Liberty Financial is the other. Both are DeFi blockchain financial systems. The QFS will be available to everyone, however if a person wants to invest in the context of the QFS, they must be an accredited investor which requires at least $1,000,000 in the bank. That has never been true before. Anyone could open a basic trading account. With Trump’s system, you must be an accredited investor, so it’s closed to 99% of Americans even though he promotes it as “the great economic equalizer.”
It couldn’t be more obvious in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene that a digital economy won’t help ANYONE in times of chaos, but that’s just the beginning of what’s wrong with this picture. All we have to do is look at China to see what they’re setting us up for - biometric ID, neighbors snitching on each other, and loss of rights - even loss of life - for non-conformity. In the tyranny of a digital economy, everything and everyone governed by Artificial Intelligence, exactly like the system Elon Musk is implementing with Starlink and X.
That’s Trump’s vision for us and he (or his clones, or avatars, or CGI, or hologram) is stringing us along like babes in the woods, promising the best possible future and delivering ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
“Hold On, I’m Coming” is the Trump battle cry, but 8 years later humanity is half dead and nothing has changed.
At what point do we ALL wake up from the induced coma?
What’s awakened me from my own stupor is being silenced when asking logical questions, by those who claim to be giving valuable insider information. Censorship is a dead giveaway that something is rotten to the core. Just ask Julian Assange.
Discernment has become impossible. There are grains of truth to be found, but we’ve been presented with so much fake reality that we can no longer separate truth from fiction. Artifical Intelligence is well on the way to subverting our world, and is almost indestinguishable from reality at this point.
I asked God to guide me, and the answer is THIS: Using my decades of research/knowledge to help people comprehend what is happening in our world.
I got caught up in the carrot-and-stick of the RV for YEARS as I was searching for alternatives to the Satanic financial system. My vast experience with the endless cycle of Hopium helped me to finally recognize that Trump is just another version of it; always promising, never delivering. Sometimes he delivers other things, little crumbs, but never the Freedom that we need. Unfortunately, we’ve become too dumbed down as a society to be able to take that Freedom for ourselves. By design. It’s a very sad story.
We’re at the end of a end of a Great Year, 26,000 year cycle, and we didn’t learn the most important lesson, that -
When you don’t prioritize the Creator, Satan is right there waiting to take over.
And so, we’ll go around again and maybe we’ll get it right next time. Maybe we won’t. Maybe Satan is destined to take over. Maybe not.
Maybe we’ll be better at recognizing Satan in his many disguises, and prioritize emodying the Christ. That is what I hope and intend for the future iterations of my soul embodiment on Earth.
Thanks for stopping by!!!
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In Unity,
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