The pursuit of the information contained in this post has been my driving force for decades. I cannot contain my excitement and THRILL at having put the pieces of this intricate puzzle together, for myself and whoever might come across this writing.
The Back Story
Post Civil War, the Khazarians/Cabal/Illuminati/Zionists/Bolsheviks took control of the American economy via the Organic Act of 1871.
For some reason, Lincoln temporarily disengaged the Republic in the aftermath of the Civil War, and was assassinated before he was able to put it back. The Satanic Khazarians, who were of course responsible for his murder, swooped in and put in motion what they had been attempting since the Declaration of Independence was signed and the Republic of the United States of America was born.
The Organic Act created the Corporation of the UNITED STATES, an overlay over the original Constitution. (Corp is the same Latin root as corpse, meaning dead.) Very few people noticed the slight variation in verbiage, and the capital letters; the theft of our Republic was accomplished subtly and with extraordinary finesse and deviancy.
Included in the Act were plans for the 10-mile-square District of Columbia, which is - like the Vatican - separate from our nation. It is its own separate, sovereign state, same as the Vatican and the City of London are separate from the countries surrounding them. Those three sovereign entities together form the backbone of the Cabal’s design to takeover the world: the Vatican - spiritual, London - economic, Washington DC - military.
NOTE: The Rothchilds amassed their fortune through usury, blackmail, theft & fraud. Recently their fortune was in the multiple trillions of dollars; today it is a $billion.
The Khazarians’ initial and primary interest was in controlling the American money supply. With the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, they accomplished this dastardly deed. JP Morgan, the Rothchilds, Carnegie, Warburg, Rockefeller and almost all the industrialists are/were Khazarians in the banking and industrial world.
"Give me control over a nations currency, I care not who makes its laws."
- Mayer A. Rothchild
JP Morgan owned the White Star Shipping Company that built the Titanic, and plastered the world with the propaganda of the FIRST UNSINKABLE SHIP. He invited the A-listers of the time on the maiden voyage, including JJ Astor and Benjamin Guggenheim, both of whom opposed the Federal Reserve Act. Morgan backed out of the voyage at the last minute citing ill health, and both Astor and Guggenhim were killed on that maiden voyage, when the ship supposedly struck an iceberg. (Astor was the wealthiest person alive at the time; George Soros later bought his home in NY’s Hudson Valley, where Chelsea Clinton was married to his nephew.)
The Titanic was a false flag event - premeditated murder, just like 9/11; An attack on our country perpetrated by treasonous, Satanic Khazarians for nefarious ends.
The Federal Reserve Act was passed on Christmas Eve 1913 in the dead of night, after Congress had all gone home. There are many sources for this story, but my favorite is G. Edward Griffin’s The Creature from Jekyll Island, which I believe should be mandatory reading for all Americans.
The Federal Reserve is neither federal, nor a reserve.
This style of “double-speak” is a trademark of the Cabal.
With the Federal Reserve in place, the Evil Ones then created the fraudulent Birth Certificate system and IRS, with the intention of enslaving Americans forever (federal taxes are illegal according to the Constitution.) They had already begun moving people off farms and into metropolitan centers, which served not only to destroy self-sufficiency, but also to remove people from their Divine Connection and to degrade the fabric of society.
Rockefeller, implementing Scientism*, commissioned the Flexner Report which vilified natural medicine and replaced the concept of the body as an integrated system. This allowed him to implement petroleum-based pharmaceuticals, along with a contrived medical accreditation system based on petroleum-based pharmaceuticals. (Rockefeller’s Standard Oil monopoly had been busted, and he needed a new way to sell his oil.) Over the course of time, they successfully propagandized against cannabis, one of the most useful and beneficial plants on Earth, legislating it as a Schedule 1 drug.
* Scientism is the opposite of science - researcher are paid to come up with a particular result instead of using the scientific process to find the correct result.
The Rockefeller education system was designed specifically to create an obedient, non-thinking worker class to serve their industries. It was an ingenious way to instill false history and false information into the minds of American children, while continuing to chip away at the fabric of family and society.
By the time of the Great Depression, the Khazarians were in full control of our society.
The post-WWII Baby Boomer generation was convinced they were the masters of the world. In fact, we didn’t win WWII; we were led to believe we won, while the Bolsheviks infiltrated our government and institutions. Americans were manipulated by the propaganda of Edward Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Freud) with the adoption of television. People, en masse, fell into the trap of convenience, materialism and greed, growing further and further away from their Divine Connection. Alcohol, hard drugs and consumerism took root. Families started breaking apart in earnest, and the fabric of society was in full decay.
"You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We will not have to fight you; We will so weaken your economy, until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands."
Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev, 1959
During the mid- to -late 2000s the Evil Ones gained control of our media; in fact Hollywood was a Khazarian construct from the very beginning; the word Hollywood in fact refers to a sorcerer’s wand. I believe the Harry Potter series was teaching us that profound nugget.
However, the capture of global News organization has been infinitely more destructive than Hollywood. In the 1990s, ownership of global media was consolidated to 6 Zionist multi-national corporations. In 2012, Obama overturned the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, which made false news reporting illegal. This brazen and illegal act by Obama opened the floodgates for what we now call the Fake News. People believe that news presents truth, but all mainstream news is Zionist propaganda.
The decay of society paved the way for socialism via government handouts. The more a society depends on the government for survival, the more easily controlled they are. Although the white American middle class thrived in the 50s and 60s, it began to decay in the 70s and is almost non-existent at this point in time. In this current paradigm, most young Americans have no hope of ever purchasing a home, and most people have no choice but to accept the Welfare state. (That’s about to change!)
I haven’t researched how many people are now on some form of welfare (not counting the illegal aliens), but what is glaringly obvious is that the more people count on government handouts - food and medicine - the sicker they are. America has become one of the sickest nations on Earth.
The Khazarian end goal has always been to bankrupt this greatest country on Earth, destroy the fabric of our Liberty, remove us from our Divine connection, and implement a totalitarian One World Government.
Right now, today, as the UN meets in NYC, we are on the precipice of that unimaginably horrific reality.
The Front Story
Fortunately, a few people figured out what was happening and implemented a counter-measure.
I believe JFK implemented the foundation for the takedown of the Cabal. His silver certificates were an attempt to subvert the Federal Reserve. After he was assassinated, a few generals met in secret to explore what was happening to the country they were sworn to defend. Eisenhower’s farewell speech had warned against the military industrial complex as well as the scientific industrial complex (Operation Paperclip), just as Washington’s farewell speech had warned against those who would steal our liberty from us if we gave them the slightest opportunity.
In the 1960s, a few ex-military personnel began putting the pieces together, exploring how our Republic had been replaced. Eventually, the two factions found each other. Once they had mapped out the mechanism of the UNITED STATES Corporation, they began devising a way to restore the Republic.
Together, these factions became known as Q.
Perhaps not ironically, JFK’s memorial is in the shape of a Q.
After decades of research, the Restored Republic was implemented in 2010 alongside the US Corporation. It’s fitting that the first president of this Restored Republic was full-blood Native American. Eventually, Q asked Donald Trump to run for president and he agreed, and he - along with the Q team - has been faithfully teaching and showing us the intricacies of the Restored Republic since his inauguration, for those with the eyes to see. When the military representatives descended the stairs during his inaugural speech, and stood behind him as he said, “We are returning the power of this country to you, the American People,” that was the clearest signal that could possibly have been given of his intentions and integrity.
You might remember seeing the National Guard turn their backs on Biden during his (fake) inaugural procession - they were telling us HE IS NOT OUR PRESIDENT! His name has never appeared on the list of Commanders-in-Chief at the Pentagon.
The US Corporation is now bankrupt, mostly a shell. Just today, Blackrock - the largest company on Earth - filed for Bankruptcy. (Never trust a man named Fink! it literally means RAT!!!) At the same time, Diddy’s arrest is revealing the Satanic depravity of Hollywood, the music industry, and the Fortune 500.
One by one, Cabal businesses and leaders have fallen. Over the past 8 years, countless traitors have been executed and replaced with actors wearing masks. Biden is perhaps the king of that executed dungheap - horrific pedophile, human trafficker, traitor to America and humanity.
Some of the traitors were given an option - work with Q to bring down the Cabal and keep their reputation, or die and lose their reputation. This process is called Whitemail, as opposed to Blackmail. People like Mark Wahlberg, Elton John, Andrew Cuomo, Russell Brand, Justin Bieber and Bill Maher chose Whitemail. People like Biden, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Obama and the Bushes - due to the extreme heinous nature of their crimes - were not given the option.
During my many years of research, I’ve been highly skeptical of the validity of Q, but that changed recently when I was guided to the most extraordinary book that lays out the story in detail: Re-Inhabited: Republic for the United States of America. It’s required reading for anyone who wants to be involved as a representative of the Restored Republic, and I highly recommend it to all. It’s another book that should be mandatory reading for all Americans.
If I could distill everything I’ve learned into one simple statement, it would be the following:
The Cabal caused America to lose its Divine Connection, and without it the Republic cannot stand.
Wars have been fought FOR CENTURIES over the idea that only God can be the Supreme Leader, versus a king, empreror, or any human. (Think Henry VIII and King James.) The Founding Fathers made sure that all future generations would know that GOD IS THE SUPREME LEADER OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!
Ask yourself, how far away from this ideal have we come?????
The Khazarians have done everything in their power to replace God Almighty with Satan, and they have succeeded to a very significant degree, but all is not lost!
We are about to experience the most extraordinary shift in consciousness this world has ever seen, and even the MOST BLIND among us won’t be able to ignore it.
Brave Patriots have restored our Republic, but it’s up to every American to take responsibility for their freedom, and the future of freedom.
What action will YOU take?
NOTE: you will find links and references to information in this post on the White Lion Conversation Telegram group linked below.
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